Learning remotely - Keeping up with the work in class week beginning 24th January

Hello - I hope you are well, even though you’re isolating! I’ve linked you to the work we are doing in class if you are well enough to keep that learning going!

Please read the timetable carefully it is here to help - please email with any questions

Click to open PDF


You have already written half of this project in class - remembering which planets you still have to write about continue. It would be great to type this out and then email it we can then glue the work into your book. Or write it carefully and again we will glue it alongside last weeks work

ENGLISH GRAMMAR - Extended Noun Phrases.

Press the link below to open the Oak Academy lessons that matches the one we will be doing in class. Mrs Hotchkiss will be using the context of aliens and sci-fi here the teacher uses a very famous story called “Oliver Twist”


More inspirational people. Please go to your 2do’s in Purple Mash and find the Nelson Mandela Profile. Here are too links too. One to a video and the other to a website. Find out which beatitude he lived out



Metaphors and Similes

Click on the picture to open the link to the film

Click on picture to open the link to the film