Year 3 Blog 14.10.22 "T.E.A.M: Together, Everyone, Achieves, More."

Our week has certainly been a busy one! Along with our usual learning we have been rehearsing for our assembly next week. It has been wonderful to watch each child slowly grow in confidence, becoming louder, clearer and adding emotion and expression to their parts. The assembly really is coming to life! The teamwork during our practices has been what has really stood out to us. I am sure this is something you will notice too when you watch us next week.

We have continued our bridging over the 10s boundary. We have looked at this in many ways and have also learnt different strategies to help us to solve these problems. I wonder if your child could tell you about how we can use the part-whole model and how we partition the number to help us to bridge over the 10? Do they remember that we need to first make 10 and then add the other part?

In English we have been kept very busy by completing our guided writing this week! The children have had a wail of a time using their creative and inquisitive minds to find new vocabulary and including this into their writing. We certainly have lots of word wizards!

Let’s celebrate

Ciaran our Focused cooper crab AND a Roger robin!: You have tried so hard with your learning Ciaran! We could not have asked anymore from you! You have shown such focus and determination during lessons, in particular during our maths work! You have also been the most wonderful friend, helping those around you with such care and kindness. Thank you Ciaran!

Beth has been an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee this week, Beth you have been such an enthusiastic Bobby Bee. You are always so excited about your learning and you want to do your best in everything that you do. We know that this enthusiasm will help you grow your brain this year. Well done Beth – keep up the good work.

Notices: Lots coming up!

Harvest: On Monday morning we will be walking to Mass to celebrate the Harvest festival. Year 3 have been collecting tinned custard, thank you to all of you who have donated! I am sure it will all help to make a big difference in our community.

Assembly: Our assembly is NEXT WEEK on Tuesday 18th October at 9:10 and 9:35. We hope you will be able to come along to watch us perform!

After half term, Mr Nay is going to be running a sports session on Tuesdays 3.30-4.15pm If you wish you child to take part please complete the permission form below. If we have a large uptake of children, we will split the class into two groups. One group for sport before Christmas and one group for sport after Christmas. The form needs completing before next Wednesday so that things can be organised before half term starts. Thank you/

Parents day. Friday 21st we have our online parents day.

We hope you have a great weekend!

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter