Year 1 Weekly Blog 20.10.22

It was a lovely start to the week, we celebrated the Harvest Mass together at church. The children sat and sang so beautifully and it was wonderful to see some of our food donations on the altar. Afterwards, we thought about those in our community who may need our help and reflected on how lucky we were to have lovely food.

Thank you to all the parents who joined me on Monday for Parent’s Day it was lovely to discuss how well the children and doing in school and the progress they are making. They have all setting in really well and we are enjoying our learning.

We have been Kiki Chameleons in English this week by creating our own story maps for Supertato. We then retold the story using our story map and made up our own actions. Didn’t we do a great job!

In Maths we have made groups of ten with lolly sticks and introduced doubling numbers up to 10, we played a dice game where we rolled the dice, drew the correct amount of dots in two boxes and worked out the double.

 During our KidSafe lesson this week, we learnt about the word bullying and what it means. We used the acronym S.T.O.P. to help us to understand that bullying is when something happens Several Times On Purpose and they now know what to do if they ever feel they are being bullied and have those yukky feelings in their bodies. Please read the letter below to find out more.

 I can’t believe that we have reached the end of our first half term already.

The children have worked very hard and have settled in well, they have particularly  enjoyed our topic Supertato and it has been wonderful to see all of their hard work at home. I am looking forward to our next half term and our Class Assembly and our Nativity performance.



 Well done to these children:

Sadie Spider for determination in Read Write Inc

Bobby Bee for enthusiasm during lessons and working hard on putting her hand up when contributing to class discussions.

 Well done to Eliza you are taking Henry home for half term for a brilliant week, you have worked hard and listened well during our input.

This half term there was an art competition for Harvest artwork, well done to our runners up and third place. Look on the art blog to see their amazing work.



Our Class Assembly is on Tuesday 8th November at 9:10 for KS2 and 9:35 for EYFS and KS1, you can stay for both performances if you would like. Their half term homework is to practise thier line and songs. Please check the blog for more details.


Enjoy the half-term holidays.

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson