Year 1 Weekly Blog 7.10.22

What an exciting week, we though of questions to ask the Evil Pea and wrote them on our board. When we came back to school the next day he had visited our classroom again and answered all of our questions. We have been checking around school to make sure the Evil pea is not hiding. Some of us thought he may have come home with us and is hiding in our rooms! Watch out for the Evil Pea we are excited for next week, we are going to think about how we can catch the Evil Pea.


We also retold the Supertato and Evil Pea chase, we had lots of fun and used great language to retell the story.


In RE we thought about how people can spoil God’s world and we discussed how we can care for it, we all made posters to help encourage others to look after our world.


We have loved our practical Maths lessons, we have been comparing objects and working out which group has more than and which has fewer than. We discovered it was easier when we put the objects into a grid so we could see without having to counting them.


Well done to our awardees:

Tommy Turtle for Jack trying new food every day at lunch, well done.

Cooper Crab you have done some excellent independent writing in English and we have loved your Supertato speech bubble independent writing in continuous provision.

Henry is going home with this person for working hard this week and coming into school with a big smile on her face. Well done.


 Harvest Plea

With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 1 are collecting Long Life Milk, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.


·        School dinners are free up until Year 3, if your child would like a school dinner, they can let us know in the morning.

·        Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes, just in case of any accidents (not just toilet accidents) such as falling in a puddle or spilling something over themselves.

·         If you have any spare boys underwear, we would be grateful if you could donate them to our class, as we do not have many spare at the moment.

·         Please can you return any borrowed uniform back to school as soon as possible.

Thank you

 Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson