Year 1 Weekly Blog 'Lest we Forget'

What a great start to the week, with our class assembly, all the children were brilliant. They were clear when saying their lines, didn’t need any reminders to come on the stage and sang beautifully. I am so proud of all the children, they all worked incredibly hard well done!


In Maths we have been busy leaning about odd and even numbers up to 10, we discovered that even numbers all have a pair and odd numbers have an odd one by itself. Ask your child if they can tell you about how they know a number is odd or even. We also compared objects using measurement, we set up different stations for the children to measure practically. We measured height, weight, length and distance.


We read the book Dangerous by Tim Warnes in English and learnt about nouns and adjectives. We used nouns to label things inside and outside our classroom. We all wrote adjectives for our main characters, we will use these next week to write sentences about Mole and Crocodile.


We have loved our Geography lessons this week, we discovered we live in the continent Europe, we found the UK on a world map and learnt about each country. What can you remember?


This morning, we gathered as a class to share a Remembrance Day prayer. We remembered those who have fallen in war and conflict and said prayers for all those who need our help around the world. We watched ‘Poppies’ and drew our own poppy fields. The children had a choice of using crayons, water pencils or oil pastels to create their artwork.

We had our third KidSafe lesson this week, where we learned all about how to keep ourselves safe when using technology. Please read the letter below to find out more.

Curriculum Evening

On Thursday 17th November at 6pm, we will be welcoming both parents and children into school for a Curriculum Evening where there will be a variety of interactive stations around school for you to engage with. These activities will share information regarding aspects of our curriculum, our school’s virtues and Read Write Inc Phonics.

This will be a wonderful evening and an exciting opportunity for you to learn more about our schools curriculum and how we can work together to support your child throughout their learning journey. We are really looking forward to coming together as a whole school community once again to share how we promote that love of learning in the children.

We hope you can make it!


Well done to our Tommy Turtles for excellent Maths work this week.

Well done to all of Year 1 for an amazing assembly.

Henry is going home with this person for excellent concentration and focus this week.

Keep it up :)

Important Notices & Polite Reminder

  • On Friday 18th November we are having a pyjama day to raise money for Brian House who support children in need in our local area. Children can come to school in pyjama’s and trainers and we kindly ask that they bring a £1 donation which will be given to Brian House.

  • As explained in a previous message sent out by the school, Stuart Robinson will now be joining us in school on the morning of Wednesday 16th November for our sport session.

  • Reading Books - Polite reminder that reading packets and books must be brought to school each day so we can read with the children in school. Thank you for your support with reading at home, it is really important that they have regular opportunities to read and build on these skills.

  • Art project - Mrs Neves, our art teacher, is running an art project and needs your rubbish! She has asked if over the next week or so, Year 1 could bring in any empty cereal boxes/cereal bar boxes All will be revealed to the children in their next art session! Again, thank you in advance!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson