Year 1 Weekly Blog 18.11.22

This week we have been busy with lots of different science activities. We have: discussed signs of Autumn, have started a daily weather chart, used our senses on our Autumn walk, tasted crisps, labelled our body parts and even investigated if you are the oldest in the class you will also be the tallest, as you get taller as you age. We discovered that just because you are older, it does not mean you are taller. We all grow at different rates and because we are all unique, we are all different height. This also linked with our RHE lesson about our bodies. We have also picked our class tree to observe through all of the seaons.

In Maths we have been comparing objects and saying if they are longer or shorter, we have loved all the practical activities and comparing a range of objects.

Staurt Robinson

We loved Wednesday, we were inspired by gold medallist wheelchair rugby champion Stuart Robinson. We supported Year 2 and loved cheering and waving our flags to encourage them to keep going with the activities. We were very resilient and kept going even when we found it difficult and were hot and tired. Reception and Nursery then came in to support us while we completed our challenges.  After the whole school came together for an assembly, where Stuart told us his amazing story of his determination and bravery. We all agree that anything is possible is you put your mind to it and do not give up! Please can you bring in sponsor forms and money in on Monday, thank you :).

 We had our fourth KidSafe lesson this week. We discussed the importance of keeping our bodies safe and what to do if we have those yukky feelings. Please read the letter below to find out more.

We loved our PE session today we started our Gymnastic unit, we walked tall like gymnasts and performed a simple routine, four steps, a pencil roll, caterpillar walk and a jump. Miss Liddell and I were very impressed with the children’s routines.

Curriculum Evening

 Thank you for those who joined us at our Curriculum evening, it was wonderful to see everyone enjoying all the different activities.

Thank you for everyone who brought a £1 in for Brian House, we have enjoyed wearing our Pyjamas and loved listening to a story with our teddies.

Let’s Celebrate

 Well done to our awardees: for super sentence writing and applying their phonics knowldge to support them.

Henry is going home with this person because they have has a super week at school, listened well during carpet input and tried their best.

This week I have started PE Superstars, these are awarded to children for working hard in their PE lessons. I will pick two children from each group, well done to these children for super routines and not giving up!


  • Sponsorship forms - Monday

  • Art project – Thank you for those who have already brought in lots of cereal boxes. Mrs Neves, our art teacher, is running an art project and needs your rubbish! She has asked if over the next week or so, Year 1 could bring in any empty cereal boxes, they have planned what they will be making next week. I am excited to see their final products.

  • Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

 Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Drummond, Miss LIddell and Miss Johnson