Year 1 Weekly Blog 2.12.22

This week we have continued our Science topic, looking at the structures of a variety of common animals and discussing the similarities and differences. We have also grouped these animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

 In RE we have been discussing Advent, we know it is a time when we prepare to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. We created our own advent wreath and discussed that the circle of evergreen branches is a reminder that God does not change. A new candle is lit each Sunday during Advent until all four candles are burning. Each candle has a different meaning. The final white candle is lit on Christmas day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Each Monday we are lighting our candle to show the passing of time and our closeness to Jesus’ Birthday.

 We have also discussed the journey Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem and that the shepherds were the first to hear about the birth of Jesus. We interviewed the shepherds. Year 1 asked them lots of curious questions such as: 

How did you feel when you saw the angels? “We felt shocked and surprised.”

What did the angels tell you to do? “The angels told us to go and find baby Jesus.”

How did you get to the stable? “We followed the star in the sky.”

What was it like when you saw baby Jesus? “It was wonderful and exciting!”

When you left the stable, what did you do? “We told everyone the good news.”

 We have enjoyed lots of practical Maths this week investigating the number 10. We also finished off our measuring unit by asking some challenging questions such as can you find me something that weighs more than a glue stick but less than the scissors? Which is longer three rubbers of two pairs of scissors?

 On Thursday when we arrived to school, we discovered an advent calandar and some wrapped presents. Each day two children will get to open the advent door for a treat and to find out what our advent promise will be for the evening or the next day. It may be something like saying hello to everyone or helping out at home. Ask your child if they can remember what the advent promise is for the day? We found out that the presents are Christmas books and we are excited to find out what book it will be each day and listen to a story before we go home.

 Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees:

Lizzie Ladybird you have been a determined learner in our handwriting sessions, practising your letter formations and taking your time when writing.

Sadie Spider You have worked hard in your Read Write Inc sessions and listening well during carpet input.

Henry is going home with this person for working hard in Maths counting to 10 well done :).

Show and Tell:

From next week if your child has something exciting to share with the class such as a recent certificate or medals. They can bring them in to share with the class on Fridays. We are looking forward to hearing your exciting news.

School trip 

On Friday 9th December and Thursday 15th December we will be walking to St Annes beach for our Geography topic to identify human and physical geographical features along the way. The class will be going in two groups of 15 children. The rest of the class will be in school with Miss Lavelle. The class will be leaving school on foot at 9:10 am and will return on foot to school at around 11.30am.

 Children will not need to bring anything extra with them for the visit and should come to school in their normal uniform. If you do not already have wellies in school please can your bring in a pair or bring in suitable footwear such as trainers or walking boots, as we will be going on the beach. Please ensure your child has a warm coat as we will be outside for the whole trip.


  • Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for this weeks homework.

  • Our Nativity performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am.

  • If you haven't already please bring in an addressed envelope with a stamp. For our topic we will be making Christmas cards for another child in our class.

  • On Friday 9th December we can come into school in Christmas colours or a Christmas jumper or decorateyour clothes for Christmas you can choose. In return please can you bring in at least £1 so that through CAFOD, we can buy animals for people in need.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson