Year 2 Blog 16.12.22 - Good news from heaven the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven.” ~ Martin Luther

Good news from heaven the angels bring,
Glad tidings to the earth they sing:
To us this day a child is given,
To crown us with the joy of heaven.
~ Martin Luth

I am so proud of the children, as I am sure you are too. Thank you to the families and friends who came to watch the children perform on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. All the time and practise the children (and adults at home) have put in certainly paid off. The singing, the dancing, the enthusiasm and expression the children spoke with when saying their lines was amazing. Its hard to believe, that for some of the children, this has been their first time on stage performing.
On Monday the performance was professionally recorded and will be available for parents to buy through parentpay. I have taken lots of photos, I will share a few at the end of this weeks blog and the rest next week.

It is the third week of advent, we have added the third candle to our class Advent wreath and spoke about joy. The children were asked to think about what brings them joy at this time of year. Some of their answers were: ‘Family and friends’, ‘Feeling loved’, ‘Spending time with my family’ and ‘Seeing my family from far away’. It was lovely that at this age the children are really appreciating and enjoying the real meaning of Christmas and appreciating these joyful moments.

In maths this week the children have continued using strategies to help with subtraction .The work was a little tricky and I was impressed with the resilience the children showed whilst learning.

We’ve enjoyed reading about the Big Bad Wolf’s adventures and mishaps in ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster'. Who’d have thought the Wolf could get himself into so much trouble!

Our history topic on Florence Nightingale has now finished, the children used Purple Mash to create an information book, sharing everything they have learnt. Earlier in the topic the children made lanterns, these have been sent home tonight.


It’s our party day on Monday 19th December - please send your children in their party clothes.
School closes at the earlier time of 2pm on Tuesday 20th December.

Have a safe and peaceful weekend,
Mrs Marham and the Year 2 team