Year 1 Weekly Blog 9.12.22

It was a lovely start to the week as we watched the Reception and Nursery Nativity, it was brilliant! We have been practising all week so we are ready for our performances on Tuesday and Wednesday we are excited to show you how hard we have been working on it.

In Maths we have continued counting to 10 in different ways. Starting at a specific point and spotting mistakes, I counted some animals Infront of the class, I said there were 7 but there were 8! I forgot to count the big teddy bear. The children helped me each time to ensure I counted all the animals.

On Wednesday we went to Christmas Mass at church, we paired up with the Year 5s it was lovely to hear lots of different conversations between the children. We sat beautifully and prayed for our loved ones and thought about how important it is to be kind to each other. In RE we have been discussing the Christmas story.

We have loved reading the book Dangerous, we have retold the story both orally using our story maps and written it down in our English books. We even remember to say when we needed a full stop of exclamation mark!

Before we went on our school trip we learnt about human and physical features and worked in groups to identify them. We enjoyed our Geography school trip to St Annes Beach we filled in our sheets to identify human and physical geographical features along the way. The rest of the children are excited to go next Thursday. Children will not need to bring anything extra with them for the visit and should come to school in their normal uniform. If you do not already have wellies in school please can your bring in a pair or bring in suitable footwear such as trainers or walking boots, as we will be going on the beach. Please ensure your child has a warm coat as we will be outside for the whole trip

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees:

Cooper Crab you have been very focused this week especially in Maths.

Sadie Spider You have worked hard in your Read Write Inc sessions and not given up.

Henry is going home with this person for her super singing in our Nativity you know all the lyrics and always sing with a loud clear voice, well done 😊


Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December

Staff will join the children in this festive feast!

We need to know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef!

Could you PLEASE take a few seconds to complete the form on today’s newsletter blog on the school website.

The meal is free for all Key Stage 1 children and for all those children on free school meals.  

Key Stage 2 children NOT on free school meals pay £2.40 - this should be paid in advance on ParentPay.

Please complete the form FOR EVERY CHILD in school, both Key Stages, whether it is a yes for a meal or a no - that would really help us!

Do please ensure you have completed the form by Monday Morning, 9am.

Thank you so much – The Office and Catering Teams


  • Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for this weeks homework.

  • Our Nativity performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am.

  • If you haven't already please bring in an addressed envelope with a stamp. For our topic we will be making Christmas cards for another child in our class.