Year 1 Weekly Blog 13.1.22

We had a super science week, this week! On Tuesday we started by reading and acting out the Three Little Pigs. Then we had the challenge of making our own houses in groups, each table had a different material: straws, paper, hay, lolly sticks and bricks. We predicted that the bricks would be the most suitable for the house because they are ‘strong and can stand up on each other’. We thought that they hay would be the most difficult because it is hard to stand up. After we made our houses the big bad wolf tried to blow them down and we helped too! The bricks were very strong, but they hay group managed to compact their hay and put lots of tape around it, although at the start they found it very difficult to stand up. We thought that if they hay went outside it would blow everywhere.

Then we went on a material hunt to find objects made from: glass, metal, wood and plastic, we discussed their properties and used the labels to help us decide.

In English we have started writing our sentences independently, Miss Drummond was very impressed. We are applying our phonics knowledge and remembering how to spell our tricky words. We answered questions about Owl or Snake and started to make our wanted poster for the Gruffalo.

We have started to look at the more than, equal to and less than symbols practically making two towers and using our lolly sticks to make the symbols. We have continued comparing different amounts and looking at the number 9. Ask your child if they can tell you all the different ways to make 9.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees for foucing on their letter formations and not giving up when they find it difficult and for super writing in English.

We had five PE superstars today, we focused on our bear walk and crab walk, all the children worked really hard with their partners, well done.

Henry is going home with this person for working hard on their reading they have not given up even when they have found it challenging, well done.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework, It is really important that you are reading reguarly at home so your child can make good progress with their reading especially as they will have their Phonics screening in June.

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Medical cream/lip balm: some children have been sharing lip barm at playtime and lunchtime, so lots of germs are being spread around the class. Please remind your child that their lipbarm is only for them and they are considered medical in school. So they need to hand them in to me and they can applied when needed. They can either stay in school or be handed back at the end of the day.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher