Year 1 Weekly Blog 3.3.23

It was lovely to see so many grown ups on Wednesday for our book look, the children loved looking through their books and felt proud to share their hard work with you.

On Monday we discovered a red door in our classroom, we made predictions about what we thought might be behind the door. Over the week we found out it was the red door from the book: The Journey by Aaron Becker. The whole school has had this book to use in English this week.

We looked at the first page and discussed what we coud see and how we thought the little girl (we named her Rose) was feeling.We created our own worlds behind our own red doors and wrote what our world was called, who we would bring and what we would take with us. I was very impressed with the children’s indepedent writing. We then worked in groups we each had a different picture, wrote what we could see and thought of our own sentence for the picture to create our own story.

We loved sharing our stories with the Year 5 children yesterday afternoon, everyones outfits were amazing! We also enjoyed some world book day activities too!

We had some very tricky challenges in Maths, we all had a piece of paper and we had to cut it in 4 parts with 1 part being bigger than the other 3. We had a few misconceptions as some of us were counting as we cut but forgot about the other part in our hand so we ended up with 5 or more parts, but with lots of practise we got there.

We have also been looking at a whole group using egg boxes and other objects, we had to say if it was whole or not whole. We were all very good at this even when I filled the containers with different objects and used different colours, we could see it was whole because there were no spaces. ‘This is a whole group of…. because I have all of them none of them are missing’

In RHE we discussed some good secrets and bad secrets and helped Susie, we decided on things that we could keep to ourselves such as a surprise birthday card and things we should tell an adult such as another child taking our snack and saying that we shouldn’t tell anyone. We were all

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for being very creative thinking of lots of different actions for our poem and song, and for your enthusiasm with your reading, you have read lots this week and have ben excitied to change your books.

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week at school.

Well done to our PE superstars for excellent teamwork :).


On Tuesday 14th March it is our class assembly at 9:10, we will be practsing next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :).


  • Please book your parents evening slots, there is more information on Mrs Gregan’s newsletter.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher