Year 1 Weekly Blog 17.3.23

‘There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they will take you’

Beatrix Potter

It has been lovely to come back to school this week and find out everything the children have been up to whilst I have been away. I really missed them and it was nice to hear about how excited they were when they knew I was coming back. A big thank you to Miss Lavelle, Miss Johnson, Mrs Carragher, Mrs Davis and Miss Forster who have been very busy helping the children with their work.

We have had such a busy week again with lots going on. It was great to chat to some of our parents at parents evening and share how much progress everyone is making and how hard they are working and how proud we are of them.

This week we have been practising our assembly, I have been very impressed with them, they have remembered their lines, songs and worked hard. We are very excited to share our hard work with you on Tuesday.

English: we have continued our wonderful work on Beatrix Potter, we read Peter Rabbit and hot seated him, the children loved thinking of questions to ask him.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts in maths and represented them by using a part-part-whole cherry diagram. We manipulated 6 multilink from whole to parts, to find all the different ways we could make 6 with two parts. We even drew our own cherry diagrams!

Music: We used the xylophones to play the name song, we had so much fun, we love our music lessons.

We loved our trip to the library, we met Stefan and he read Pirate Pete’s Talk like a Pirate, Miss Forster, Mrs Davis, Mrs Carragher and I had our own lines! Unfortunately the children decided we had to walk the plank, they thought this was hilarious. They had some brilliant pirate voices so we decided they could stay on the ship :). Although a few children wanted to walk the plank so they did at home time. We also had time to listen to the Snail and the Whale. The children were a credit to the school and so well behaved we have been invited back to the library. I am sending home a slip for you to fill in and attaching a copy on the blog for you to complete so your child can have their own library card. So next time we go they can choose a book to take home. If you already have a library card you can bring it in to school.

I have attached two versions, a PDF and word document, you can only open the word document on a computer or laptop.

D&T: the children loved their design and technology lesson today, Miss Neves has sent home an envelope for the children to do at home, cut out the person and attach the arms with the split pins enjoy.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate holders this week:

Lizzie Ladybird for working hard in Maths and listening well on the carpet.

Sadie Spider for being focused during our practise and using lovely expression when speaking.

Well done to these two children, Henry went home with this person last week for a super week in school, he is thinking about how he can make good choices and this is being demonstrated in class.

Henry is going home with this person this week, for a brilliant week! I have been really impressed with your independent work and your organisation during our assembly practise you know your lines and when you need to be on the stage and have been supportive to your friends.

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart.

I can’t believe we already have bronze certificate awardees well done .

Lenten Promise:

As a class we voted to have a craft day at school this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our exhitbition in school. I will let you know the date of the exhibtion ASAP.

Cake Sale:

On Monday Year 6 are having a cake sale for their Lenten promise to help raise money for CAFOD, All cakes will be sold for 50p. If your child would like to buy a cake please bring money in. Thank you.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  • Don’t forget it’s the second parents evening on Wednesday 22nd March.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher