Year 1 Weekly Blog 6.4.23

As a school community we have gathered together each morning, to watch as each year group has re-enacted parts of Jesus’ Easter journey. Each day as part of our RE, we have taken the time to discuss, reflect, ask questions and role play. Then watched the next class to share their interpretation with us. Here is our own retelling of Palm Sunday.

English: We have written innovation drafts of our Peter Rabbit stories, after Easter we are excited to write our stories again in our best handwriting and then self-assess and mark our own work.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts using cherry diagrams, we have also been introduced to bar charts! To help we used multilink and had to work out the parts by seeing how many multilink fit in the bar chart. We are getting quicker at working out the parts. Please continue to practice at home by asking your child how many more they need up to 5 e.g the whole is 5, I have two what is the other part? then once confident go up to 10.

Science: We were excited to take our cress home and shocked that our apple seed has grown a shoot, we germinated it weeks ago then planted it 2 weeks ago. Our sprouting peas have grown too!

Lenten Promise:

Wow what a successful art exhibition we had yesterday, thank you so much for coming it was lovely to see the excitement on the children’s faces and for them to share their amazing art work with you. I can’t believe how many people we were able to fit into the classroom! We raised over £65 for CAFOD!

We have had a lovely end to our half term, I promised the children if they worked hard this week, we could have a golden day! It was well deserved, we continued with our Easter arts and crafts.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: A Sadie Spider for your determination with your handwriting and reading and a Lizzie Ladybird for being a reflective learner, listening and focusing during input and applying this especially in your English work.

Henry is going home with this person for super listening especially in English, I am so proud of your focus this week and I know you are too, well done!

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they were announced in our assembly today, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.

Easter Egg Competition

There were lots of brilliant entries well done :), there was even a Miss Drummond egg, I feel very honoured thank you :). The class council voted for their winners it was a very difficult choice. Well done to our Year 1 and our Key stage 1 winners.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely rest and Easter break :)

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher