Year 1 Weekly Blog 28.4.23

Last week I set the children the challange of trying to pick healthy options for their snack, well done it has been great to see the children eating lots of fruit and vegetables this week.

On Tuesday we retold and sequenced what had happened in the classroom last week. Then this week the time machine came back! But there were no dinosaur footprints, we investigated to work out when the time machine had travelled from and who or what had come out of it. We hot seated the main characters and thought of some fantastic questions and answers. Today we had to think of advice to give to Ogg and in our sentences we had to use and/but/or. We only had a few minutes before lunch so we practised our sentences on whiteboards. I could not believe how amazing they were, they all wrote them independently. I am excited to see their final sentences on Tuesday written up neatly and remembering to use capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops.

Maths: This week Mrs Hotchkiss came to see how hard we have been working in Maths she is really pleased with us. We have been focusing on how the numbers 11-15 can be composed of 10 and a bit, we have used our rekenreks and cherry diagrams to represent these numbers. We have been practising the STEM sentences 10 needs____to make___ ___ is made of 10 and___. See if you can remember the STEM sentences for the different numbers.

Computing: we have been learning about algorithms ( a precise set of instructions used to solve a problem of achieve an objective). To do this we have had to follow instructions to colour pictures in make Lego models and on the iPads paint a bird. At first we all found it very difficult but by the end of the week we were experts. I have set for homework a house for you to colour following the algorithm:

(1) Paint the chimney using cookie dough.

(2) Paint the roof using jellybeans.

(3) Paint the door using chocolate.

(4) Paint the walls using sprinkles.

(5) Leave the windows unpainted.

PE: on Tuesday Mr Swindlehurst is going to come and teach us a lesson, so please come to school in your PE kit.

RE: We discussed that Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room and imagined we were Peter and wrote what happened, we drew happy and shocked faces.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees: a Sadie Spider for excellent determination in maths, working well with your partner to find different ways to make the same number and a Lizzie Ladybird for super sentences in English your handwriting keeps getting better and better!

Henry is going home with this person for his excellent Maths work well done :)

Reading Challenge:

Well done to these children, they will be announced in our assembly next Friday, keep it up it would be wonderful if everyone could get their bronze certificate.


  • Don’t forget to wear your PE kit on Tuesday next week.

  • Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher