Year 1 Homework 6.1.23

Thank you for those who have decorated their homework books and brought them in, if you haven’t please could you decorate and bring back next week. I have two books in school without names so if yours is missing please let me know and I will write names on and give back to your child :).

Please can you focus on reading and spelling this week, it is really improtant that your child reads regularly at home aiming for at least 30 mins per day. Start with a few minutes then build it up each week. We are starting to test the children on their book using Accerated Reader in school and I will let you know their test days. We will also try and listen to your child read at least once a week in school. So we know you have read with your child please sign in their reading record if they have read a few pages write where you read to so we can continue at school. Thank you.

Here are some whys you can support your child at home with their reading.

The spellings this week are:

have little saw

do our out

You can use your homework book to practise the spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond