Year 1 Homework 10.2.23

I would love to hear what you have been up to during the hoildays, please encourage your child to write a few sentences independently, in their purple homework books.

 We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

I have changed how we are going to have our spelling tests, to encourage the children I have made some spelling certificates you will receive a copy of their spelling test so you can see how they have done. Please click on the button for more information.

Two creative tasks for you to do over half term:  

  1. Today we went into Year 5 to meet our partners and talk about our likes and interests. Please can you design and make a special Lenten box for your Year 5 partner. Their name is in their reading folder or you can send me an email if you are not sure. This needs to be a specially designed and decorated container that you can give to your partner the first week back after half term ready for them to take home and collect money during lent for our chosen charity. Think about what your partner likes and what their interests are, or you can have an Easter/ Lenten theme: eggs, the cross, chicks, flowers etc, this may help you when planning what to do. You could make your box out of any plastic container, cardboard box, it is up to you- just make sure it is fully cleaned out first! Iā€™m excited to see your designs šŸ˜Š 

  2. World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March, start thinking about what character you would like to become. Be creative with what you have!  

Thank you

Miss Drummond