Thank you for responding so promptly and indicating that your child wants to participate in the Year 5 & 6 netball and football sessions. I am happy to say that all places have been filled and we are ready to start training this week. Netball tomorrow and football on Tuesday. The weather may play a minor role in our plans, but I will inform you at the earliest opportunity whether we are having to cancel because of the latest storm. Saint Medardus is the patron saint of the weather, so please say all of the prayers you can so that we can finally get school sport up and running again.
Netball Training - Monday 3.30 - 4.15pm & Football Training - Tuesday - 3.30 - 4.15pm.
Netball - school PE kit and tracksuits needed. A good pair of trainers with grip for the courts.
Football - due to playing on a muddy school field, the children are able to wear a kit of their choice if they do not want to wear their PE kit. It is preferable for the children to have shin pads, long socks, football boots/astroturf trainers to play in. If they have not got these items, please do not worry.
The children will be given time at the end of the school day to get ready for the training sessions.
Again, thank you for indicating whether the children will be picked up from school or walking home. It really helps us to be organised. For those being collected, please collect from the gate on Kenilworth Road. The member of staff leading the session will be letting the children out once finished.
I will be meeting with all of the children who have signed up to the training sessions tomorrow to discuss the expectations. School sport is new to practically all of the children and it is important that the children realise that it is not a club out of school, but one where the children are ambassadors for Our Lady. We will be completing a code of conduct together and I will be able to answer any questions that the children may have.
If anybody has any questions at all, please do get in touch. Remember to keep praying for the storm to pass and for the weather to get better!
Mrs Gregan