Art News… Week 5
Having lost my voice this week, I had to be creative in how lessons went and I want to thank all my young artists for being so kind and paying extra attention to my squeaky voice and written instructions. You made it so much easier, thankfully it has returned, if not a little croaky, so back to full power.
In art…
Reception had an empty plate to fill in their art session. What was their favourite meal? Could they draw it and colour it the right colours? Yum, what delicious plates of food.
Year one put all their clay knowledge and skills to good use this week as we created shallow dishes. We added inpressions into the clay. These are now drying in school to be painted next week.
Year two had a slight detour from our printing as unfortunatley my voice had completely gone. We all took part in an observational drawing session (something I like to recap on every half term anyway, an invaluable skill). Everyone tried so hard and were super focused and quiet. We are improving, remember draw what you see not what you thought you saw.
Year three created their animal skin clay tiles and chose to be realistic or abstract with their colours. These created lovely prints and a spectacular tile to take home too.
Year four started to make their money containers. Pinning a pattern to the fabric, cutting carefully and pinning the fabric together. Some started sewing and Miss Woodrow’s group are flying with their purse. Next week we continue, those that are ready will add a fastening and maybe start their decoration. We will continue these after half term. (All the practsing at home is paying off, keep practising, remember… Practise makes progress.)
Year five were given two William Morris wallpaper samples and were challenged to recreate the rest of the page in design and colour match. We used watercours and thin brushes to add all the detail. We will continue this relaxing calm actiivity next week.
Year six painted their 3D Animal Masks white, do ask your children why? We then practised in our books how to paint our chosen animal, with correct colours, shades and texture. We will paint our masks this way next week.
Art Club had their fourth session and were given a cute little bird house to decorate however they wished. Next week will be their last and I will inform the next group to join me on a Tuesday for art and craft fun.
Have a lovely weekend, only one week to go before half term for a longer rest to try and give all these colds and bugs a welcomed goodbye. Stay safe.
God Bless
Mrs Curtis