Year 5 Home Learning for Summer Half Term Holiday

Dear Parents and Children,

Thank you for all your hard work and support throughout the year so far! We have half a term to go - only 7 more weeks- it has flown!!!

The final half term has will be very busy (as always) we are on a mission to master some more key skills before we reach Year 6.

With this in mind, could those children who are aiming to reach their 420 on TTRockstars - practice every day -10 mins.

For everyone else - please continue to TT each day too - go on your STUDIO (answering in 6 seconds) to ensure your table facts remain immediate and quick.

Please ensure the children keep reading too. We have visited the library to ensure we have books to read. Remember too the children are free to read lovely books bought as gifts or from the local library.

During the final half term - Year 5 will be joining Year 6 to produce the end of Year play- MARY POPPINS. Year 6 will be performing all the main parts, The Year 5 girls will all be suffragettes and the boys bankers. I have attached the film clips of the songs below alongside the lyrics. It would be marvelous if the children return knowing their respective song

Have a lovely holiday - we look forward to seeing you fresh and ready to go again in June!