Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Friday 1st July


Please make sure you’re ready to take a quiz this week. We have completed 3 weeks in school and reading everyday 25 mins in school and 30 minutes at home should take us to the completion of our latest book.


Fractions and division are a match made in heaven. Please complete IXL G4 G5 (mental division) and H6 quick with your remainders.


Investigate the strange ways witches were punished. Visit this website and create a comic image for each punishment.


We have watch Robin Hood this week in school - as we reflect on how “crimes and punishement’s” changed through history. We have spoke about Smugglers and briefly privates during the 18th Century. For a litle more insight into smugglers could you watch “The Muppets Treaure Island”