Year 2 Weekly Blog 10.6.22 - "Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us. God Save our Queen!"

We’ve had a wonderful time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this week! Wednesday was dedicated to the Queen; it was brilliant to see the children in their red, white and blue to commemorate such a momentous occasion. We had a day jam-packed full of learning all about the Queen. We started the day by thinking of all the questions we would like to ask the Queen if we ever met her. Throughout the day, we then referred back to these questions to see if any could be answered through our learning. The class also produced some fabulous portraits of Her Majesty and we had a fantastic party gathered all together for our school picnic at lunch; it was so special to see the whole school having so much fun together. Finally, we enjoyed learning a new song. Why not have a go at singing it together at home!

In Maths, we’ve continued to develop our knowledge of coins and notes and have been using different strategies, such as using part part whole models and bar models to help us to calculate the total.

We’ve continued reading our focus story ‘Aladdin’ in English, and the children were thrilled to finally be introduced to the character of the Genie! We sang and danced to the song ‘Never had a friend like me’ before thinking of our own qualities of what makes a good friend and then writing our own verses for the song. The class were fantastic at starting each line of their song with a verb ending in -ing!
This morning, we then thought about what three wishes we would ask for and played around with the position of ‘because’ in our sentences.

PE lessons have been filled with practise for our Sports Day next week! The children are very excited to showcase their skills!

Let’s Celebrate

You have worked so hard this week Naomi!  I think sitting near the front has really helped you to focus and you have tried really hard to push yourself in all aspects of your learning.  It has been wonderful to see you asking for help and sharing so many wonderful ideas with the class.  Keep this up and you’ll see that your brain will grow even more! 

What a great first week back at school you have had Gus!  You have shown so much enthusiasm towards your learning and have put your all into the activities you have completed.  It has been great to see you having a go at using your cursive handwriting this week.  You have also worked really independently and have managed any distractions around you fantastically.  Well done Gus!


Sports Afternoon - You are welcome to come and watch our sports day events on Tuesday 14th June. We will start at 1:30pm and will finish at approximately 2:45pm.

Trip to Stanley Park - Our trip can be paid for via ParentPay if you haven’t already done so. I will be sharing more information regarding the trip in next week’s blog.

Fingers crossed that the sunshine continues to shine this weekend! Enjoy yourselves!
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.