Year 3 Blog 16.9.22 "Good leaders must first become good servants.” – Robert Greenleaf

What a successful week we have had! It has absolutely flown by which only shows how we have got our heads down, and immersed ourselves in our learning. This week we have been exploring fables and the teachings within these stories. We had great fun on Wednesday as we closed our eyes and listened only to a video. We found that hat we expect might happen, not always happens and that there is a special teaching hidden in every fable.

In maths this week we have been focusing on adding three addends together and finding the answer. We have been working with adding numbers to 10 and we are now able to represent these equations on ten frames, part/whole models and bar models. The children have really gained confidence in sharing their reasoning/ how they got to their answer. They clearly have a solid knowledge on doubles and number bonds!

During RE this week we have been reminding ourselves of the creation story. Next week we are going to use our creative skills to re-tell this bible story. Miss Russell is ready with the green screen and we have a feeling that we have some budding performers!

Each Wednesday we take some time out of our day and pay a visit to our school chapel. This week we thought about our gifts and how we can use them to help others. The children listened beautifully to the Gospel reading, showing great reverence!


This week we have two FOCUSED COOPER CRABS!

Matilda: What can we say Matilda?! You not only show great care and focus towards your learning, but also to your friends in class too. You are an absolute delight and have been trying so hard in your learning each and every day. You are polite, kind, helpful and what we call a, “ray of sunshine!” We just know that you are going to achieve great things this year Matilda! Well done!

Rose: You are an absolute joy Rose and a wonderful role model to those around you! Your quiet confidence and determination has really impressed us! We could not ask more of you! Each and every day you are ready to push yourself and to learn a new skill. We are so very proud of you and how you have settled into a new school year. We cannot wait to watch you grow!

Reminders for next week:

Art T-Shirt: Please remember to bring in an Art shirt if you haven’t already. Miss Neves has informed us that the children will definitely need one this week.

Induction evening: This Wednesday at 6pm is our class induction. We hope to see many of you as we look together at the year ahead and the learning journey your children will go on during their time in Year 3.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.