Year 2 Weekly Blog 14.10.22 - "Let your light so shine"

It’s hard to believe that we only have one more week in school before the end of the first half term; it’s whizzed by! Every day I see just how the children are growing and maturing; they are becoming such independent learners who take responsibility for their actions and believe that they can do anything if they put their minds to it!

This week has been as busy as ever, with learning taking place during every minute of the day! In English, we have learned all about adjectives and I was blown away by how much the children could remember from Year 1! What super memories! We used our knowledge of adjectives to describe different arctic animals that Wilf the wolf might meet in our stories when we write them next week.

Now the children are so confident in counting, recognising and making multiples of ten, we’ve moved on to making two-digit numbers with tens and ones. It was brilliant to see the class using different equipment, such as the base 10, counters and bundle straws, to represent the different numbers. Mrs Hotchkiss also tells me that Year 2 are now becoming incredibly confident time tellers! The children are now keeping me on my toes with “the hands on the clock are saying it’s nearly play time now!” I can no longer be two minutes late!

Mrs Hotchkiss has also been developing map-reading skills in Geography. This week, they used the Bee Bots to help them to understand instructional and positional language.

In RE, we read the story of Abraham and Sarah and learnt that Abraham had been chosen by God. We had some amazing actors and actresses taking on the role of Abraham before the children then used this knowledge to sequence and retell the story in their own words. As October is the month of the Rosary, we’ve also been using our Rosary Beads to help us to pray in class. This week we focused on saying the Hail Mary and the children with their own beads were able to lead from the front of the class.

During our KidSafe lesson this week, we learnt about the word bullying and what it means. We used the acronym S.T.O.P. to help us to understand that bullying is when something happens Several Times On Purpose and they now know what to do if they ever feel they are being bullied and have those yukky feelings in their bodies. Please read the letter below to find out more.

Let’s Celebrate

Wow Louie, what a week you have had!  You have been incredibly focused in every lesson which has resulted in lots of work being completed.  It has been wonderful to see you playing such an active role within our lessons, sharing your ideas so openly and showing bundles of enthusiasm.  Keep this up Louie and your brain will grow with new knowledge and skills!

Thank you for being such a ‘Have a Go Tommy Turtle’ Lettie!  You throw yourself into every piece of work you are given, and even when you are finding something challenging, you never give up and will continue to give your all.  Your work is always beautifully presented and you manage any distractions around you brilliantly in order to stay on task.  Well done Lettie! 


Mrs Nay, our sports coach, will be running a multi-skills sports club for Year 2 on Wednesdays after the half term holidays. This will take place before school at 8am-8:45am. If we have a large uptake of children wanting to attend the sessions, we will run two groups, one before the Christmas holidays and one after. Please fill in the form below if you wish for your child to attend the club. This must be completed before Wednesday 19th October so that it gives us time to organise groups before the new half term begins.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Thank you for all of your donations of tinned tomatoes for Harvest. They are all greatly appreciated!

Parents’ Day on Friday 21st October. Have you booked your meeting?

The children finish at the normal times of 3:15pm and 3:25pm on Thursday 20th October for a well deserved half term break.

Well done Marsden for being awarded the most learning points this half term. You can come to school wearing your house colour/own clothes on Thursday 20th October.

Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the year 2 team.