Year 2 Weekly Blog 20.10.22 - "Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later".

We had a lovely start to the week by celebrating the Harvest mass together at church. The children sat and sang so beautifully and it was wonderful to see some of our food donations on the altar. Afterwards, we reflected on how lucky we are to have such wonderful food and thought deeply about those in our community who might need our help.

Year 2 have been real Creative Kiki Chameleons during our English sessions this week. We have innovated the ending of our focus story ‘The Way Home For Wolf’ by choosing some of our own arctic animals who can help Wilf to find his way back to his pack. We’ve learnt about how to use adjectives and verbs correctly in our sentences before then using all of these skills to write our innovated endings. You really worked hard on this writing Year 2; I can’t wait to read them with a cup of tea in hand over the holidays!

During indoor PE, we used the low apparatus in order to develop and perform our jump, balance and travel sequences. The class listened so carefully to the instructions about how to keep themselves safe and showed great control of their movements. Well done Year 2!

I can’t believe that we have reached the end of our first half term together. The children are an absolute delight to teach and try so hard in everything they do. We had a visitor to our class on Tuesday; Mrs Marham. Mrs Marham will be teaching the class for a couple of weeks in December when I go off on maternity, before Mrs Hotchkiss then takes over in January. Mrs Marham couldn’t believe how enthusiastic and eager the children were! She will be in school every Tuesday working with the children until she then takes over … she’s very excited to be in during the magical time of Christmas!

Let’s Celebrate

You’ve been a real Creative Kiki Chameleon in our English lessons this week George C.  You’ve used superb adjectives and verbs to describe the different arctic animals in your story and have then put these into some great full sentences.  It has been wonderful to see you so enthused about your story writing and you’ve been so eager to get started every lesson.  Well done!

Heath, what a focused week you have had!  You have been ready to listen and learn in every lesson and have managed any distractions around you fantastically.  It has been wonderful to see you encouraging friends around you to stay on task too.  Let’s keep up this super focus Heath; it is having such a huge impact on your learning and written work. 


Mr Nay’s sports club will be starting on Wednesday 2nd November and will run from 8am to 8:45am. Here are the names of the children taking part in the sessions before Christmas:
Isaac, George C, Joseph, Emilia, Hugo, Heath, Louie, Lena, Rodnie, Phoebe, Alice, Martha, Bea and Anna.
The children will already have their PE kits on as we also have indoor PE on Wednesdays. Please ensure that they have a full water bottle with them. Thank you.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Don’t forget that parents’ meetings are taking place tomorrow. Please check your allocated time slot.

Enjoy the half-term holidays. Stay Safe.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.