Year 2 Weekly Blog 4.11.22 - "Even the wisest mind has something yet to learn"

It was wonderful to welcome the children back to school on Monday morning. This term leading up to Christmas is always an incredibly busy one, so it was great to hear that the children had had time to relax and recuperate over the holidays. As always, there was no time to waste, as it was straight into business as usual; learning and growing our brains!

In Maths, we have been using number lines to 100 to help develop our place value knowledge further. We started by placing given numbers on number lines before then estimating where we thought numbers would be placed on blank number lines. We were grateful for a bit of sunshine on Thursday, as this meant that we could take our learning outside the classroom.

We have been learning all about ‘chosen people’ in RE and enjoyed reading the story of ‘Daniel and the Lions’ this week. The children couldn’t believe how brave Daniel was - even though he knew he would get thrown into the lion’s den, he continued to pray to God three times a day! This led to a brilliant discussion about choices. We discussed that God has put us in a world where people are free to choose between right and wrong.  Sometimes we suffer from our own and others’ wrong choices, but God has promised us that we will never be alone and that nothing can separate us from his love. 

 We had our third KidSafe lesson this week, where we learned all about how to keep ourselves safe when using technology. Please read the letter below to find out more.

We welcomed Mrs Marham back into our class on Tuesday, who introduced the children to their new History topic ‘Florence Nightingale’. After finding out some key facts about Florence, the class were keen to find out more and wrote some fantastic questions in their books. Mrs Marham has already had a close look at these and is tweaking her planning so that the questions can be answered throughout the term; what Curious Clara Clownfish you are Year 2!

It was brilliant to have Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 together this morning to learn all about being safe around fireworks in anticipation for lots of bonfire fun this weekend! The session not only included lots of important information, but the children also enjoyed getting creative with lots of exciting firework activities. They even learned a poem!

Let’s Celebrate

What a Co-Operative Roger Robin you are Rodnie!  You can always be seen making the right choices and are a super role model for your friends.  You speak so politely to others and treat them with great respect and compassion.  Nothing is ever too much trouble for you Rodnie; you just get on and do.  Thank you for being such a valued member of our class team. 

What an amazing start to the new term you’ve had Rosa!  You’ve come back to school so focused and have listened really carefully to the teaching and learning taking place around you.  I’ve been particularly impressed by your maths this week.  You’ve stuck with the tricky learning which has meant that you have oozed with confidence during independent tasks.  Keep this up Rosa!


Don’t forget that there are three more sessions of sports club for those attending on Wednesday mornings at 8am. These are:
Isaac, George C, Joseph, Emilia, Hugo, Heath, Louie, Lena, Rodnie, Phoebe, Alice, Martha, Bea and Anna.

On Friday 11th November, we will be visited in school by Stuart Robinson. Stuart is a gold medal-winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheelchair rugby.
Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon. This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.
The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can before the event next Friday. Please can all children come in their tracksuits on this day - Friday 11th November.

On Thursday 17th November at 6pm, we will be welcoming both parents and children into school for Curriculum Evening. We’ve been unable to hold the event for the last couple of years due to Covid, so we are looking forward to coming together as a whole school community once again to share how we promote that love of learning in the children. More information will be given about the evening in the coming weeks.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a lovely weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.