Year 2 Weekly Blog 11.11.22 - "Lest we forget"

Friday has come around once again in what seems like the blink of an eye! This week, I have seen such wonderful acts of kindness within our classroom. I can’t quite believe just how independent the children have become and the compassion and respect they show toward each other every day is a joy to witness. Thank you Year 2, you continue to be such a pleasure to teach!

Maths lessons have been non-stop learning this week. We’ve been partitioning numbers using our maths equipment boxes and have been representing these in part part whole models and bar models. We’ve also learned all about number families, and how we can use the parts and wholes to create addition and subtraction number sentences. On Monday, we will be using this knowledge to help us to solve some tricky addition and subtraction word problems.

Traditional tales are now our focus in English. We’ve spent lots of time looking at new vocabulary this week before becoming word detectives and spotting these in story extracts. So far we’ve enjoyed reading Cinderella. The children were amazed to discover that she was named Cinderella because the ugly sisters had spotted cinders from the fire in her hair! Already the class are eager to discover which tales we will be delving deeper into next week.

The class are really enjoying their History sessions with Mrs Marham on Tuesdays. This week, they were true historians as they sequenced the significant events of Florence Nightingale’s life in a timeline.

This morning, we gathered as a class to share a Remembrance Day prayer and liturgy together. We remembered those who have fallen in war and conflict and said prayers for all those who need our help around the world.

And finally, we made a start on our Nativity songs this week! Already I can see those budding actors, actresses, singers and dancers who are eager to get onto that stage and perform! Nativity parts will be given out next week so that rehearsing can commence!

Let’s Celebrate

Lena – I have been blown away by your determination in lessons this week, particularly maths.  You have grown to realise when finding something tricky, it is really important to stick with the learning taking place and to ask for help when you need it.  Asking for help has meant that we have been able to spot those mistakes straight away and we’ve been able to edit them together.  Keep this up Lena!

You have been a real ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ this week Emilia!  You have kept track of the learning taking place in the classroom and have been ready to answer any questions when they have come your way!  It has been wonderful to see you completing so many challenges in your books; I’ve loved seeing that beaming smile when you’ve asked for the next task. Keep this up Emilia – you should feel extremely proud of yourself!  


Don’t forget that there are two more sessions of sports club for those attending on Wednesday mornings at 8am. These are:
Isaac, George C, Joseph, Emilia, Hugo, Heath, Louie, Lena, Rodnie, Phoebe, Alice, Martha, Bea, Nathan and Anna.

As you are already aware, unfortunately, Paralympian Stuart Robinson was unable to visit school today due to a head injury. However, the event has been rescheduled for Wednesday 16th November. We normally have PE on this day, so the children should come to school in their PE kits as normal.
The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can. Please can these be returned to school before the end of next week. Thank you in advance.

Curriculum Evening - On Thursday 17th November at 6pm, we will be welcoming both parents and children into school for a Curriculum Evening where there will be a variety of interactive stations around school for you to engage with. These activities will share information regarding aspects of our curriculum, our school’s virtues and Read Write Inc Phonics.
This will be a wonderful evening and an exciting opportunity for you to learn more about our school’s curriculum and how we can work together to support your child throughout their learning journey. We are really looking forward to coming together as a whole school community once again to share how we promote that love of learning in the children.
We hope you can make it!

PJ Day - On Friday 17th November it is Pyjama day at school. Your child can come in dressed in their PJs and trainers; and not forgetting their favourite teddy! Please bring £1 each which we will donate to Brian House - a local children’s charity.

Art project - Mrs Neves, our art teacher, is running an art project and needs your rubbish! She has asked if over the next week or so, Year 2 could bring in any empty biscuit boxes or packages (for example Oreo Boxes, Belvita boxes, etc). All will be revealed to the children in their next art session! Again, thank you in advance!

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a lovely weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.