Year 2 Weekly Blog 18.11.22 - "Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don't give up"

The weather has been gloomy, wet and miserable this week, but this certainly hasn’t dampened the children’s spirits in the classroom! I can’t quite believe how much we have managed to fit into just one week!

On Monday, the children were excited to discover that we were having a visit from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue service. Two gentleman from the service came into our class to discuss what to do if the children ever find themselves in an emergency and encouraged them to think about a fire escape route for their own homes. Some of the children even got to wear the fire safety uniform!

We also had great fun exploring different faiytales on Monday. The children read stories, made puppets and even had a go at taking on the roles of different characters. The class now have great knowledge of so many of the different fairytales, which will help immensely when they begin to create their fairytales with a twist in the coming weeks.

What an inspirational day it was on Wednesday! The class were greeted by gold medalist wheelchair rugby champion Stuart Robinson, who encouraged the children to complete their four exercise challenges in order to collect their sponsors. Year 2 were so resilient; they didn’t give up and kept pushing themselves, even though they felt hot and tired! It was also wonderful to support the Year 3 children whilst they completed the circuit. Afterwards, the whole school gathered for an assembly, where Stuart was able to inspire the children further with his incredible story of bravery and determination. He really did portray to the children that anything is truly possible if you put your mind to it and believe in yourself.

We had our fourth KidSafe lesson this week. We discussed the importance of keeping our bodies safe and what to do if we have those yukky feelings. Please read the letter below to find out more.

Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our Curriculum Evening last night. It was great to have the school community learning together again whilst having lots of fun. We hope you found the evening useful and now have greater understanding of our school vision and virtues.

And finally …. it was lovely to end such a jam packed week with a cosy PJ day today; it was definitely much needed by all. Thank you for your £1 donations for Brian House.

Next week will be my final full week teaching the children. I will then be around (hopefully!) the following week to ensure that Mrs Marham has everything she needs before I head off on maternity leave.

Let’s Celebrate

Mia-Grace, I have been so impressed by your focus and determination this week.  Learning isn’t always easy, but you’ve tried really hard to listen carefully to the teaching and learning in our classroom and have played such an active role within our lessons.  You have been sharing your thoughts and ideas so openly; it has been wonderful to see you oozing with confidence!  Well done!

Thank you for being such a Focused Cooper Crab in our classroom this week Louisa!  You have stayed focused and on task in every lesson which has meant that you have been able to keep of up with the pace of our learning.  You have answered questions with great understanding and reasoning and have completed some amazing independent work.  Keep this up Louisa!


Don’t forget that there is one more session of sports club for those attending on Wednesday mornings at 8am. These are:
Isaac, George C, Joseph, Emilia, Hugo, Heath, Louie, Lena, Rodnie, Phoebe, Alice, Martha, Bea, Nathan and Anna.

Please ensure that all sponsor forms and monies for the sports challenge we took part in this week are returned by Monday. Thank you in advance.

Art project - Mrs Neves, our art teacher, is running an art project and needs your rubbish! She has asked if over the next week or so, Year 2 could bring in any empty biscuit boxes or packages (for example Oreo Boxes, Belvita boxes, etc). All will be revealed to the children in their next art session! Again, thank you in advance!

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a lovely weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.