‘The joy of accomplishment is the greatest joy there is’.

As we are nearing the end of our first full term in Reception, we have taken some time to reflect on how much we have achieved.

This week, we sat together and took a look through our ‘Reception Learning Journey’ book. We looked at what we did in our first few weeks of Reception, what we were excited to learn about and what achievements we are proud of so far this year - and there are many! The children are very familiar with our school characters, the different characteristics they represent and we used these to think about what type of learners we are becoming - for many it was tricky to choose just one character!

What was clear from our moments of reflection was the children’s genuine enthusiasm for learning, their curiosity towards things around them and their bravery and determination to try even when faced with a challenge. Now they are very excited to see just how much they will achieve next term!

What have we been learning this week…

In Phonics we have continued to consolidate our understanding of the Set 1 sounds and have applied this knowledge to a variety of games and activities. We have been developing our oral blending and segmenting skills by listening carefully to the sounds we can hear in simple CVC words. We have made a variety of CVC words either written or with letter magnets.

Understanding the World: We have been thinking our ‘Our Wonderful World’, what we know about it already from our RE and RHE discussions and what we want to find out. We have enjoyed exploring different countries on our globe and thinking about different animals and where they live. We also talked about how important it is to look after our world and what we can do to help.

Let’s Celebrate!

Certificates will be announced in our final assembly for the Autumn term on Tuesday 20th December.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • On Monday 19th December, Foundation (Nursery and Reception) and KS1 (Year 1 and Year 2), will be joining together for a festive Christmas party! Children do not need to wear their school uniform, they can come to school in their Christmas party clothes.

  • Reading packets have been collected as we will be adding new sounds to the phonics key rings and we are preparing additional books for the children to take home over the Christmas holidays. These will be sent home on Tuesday 20th December.

  • School closes for the Christmas holidays on Tuesday 20th December at 14:00.

  • Polite reminder regarding our school food and allergen policy, please click the link below for more information.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend,
God bless,

The Reception Team