‘Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn.’

Parents, thank you for your time over the last two weeks; our meetings have been a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all of the learning and progress that has been happening in Reception and I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share this with you all. What was evident from our discussion was how the children enjoy sharing these learning opportunities with you at home - especially reading and writing. We have shared a resource this week which I hope will further support these opportunities at home (see notices and reminders below). I’m sure you’ll all agree, Reception have had a triumphant learning journey so far and most of all, they are happy and share a love and excitement for learning. This is always our priority. They have come so far already and there is so much more to enjoy during our Summer term. Every moment in Reception is an opportunity for learning!

What have we been learning this week:

Maths: This week we have been exploring equal and unequal groups. We noticed that when an amount can be made of two equal groups (a double) then it is an even number. This caused us to be curious and look at amounts that can’t be made from two equal groups and noticed that these are not even, these numbers are odd. We enjoyed exploring this further using cubes to make the even and not even amounts by connecting the two equal groups.

RE: This week, Reception and Year 6 joined together to go to Mass. They were excellent role models for our school community and listened calmly and respectfully to Father Peter. It was a lovely opportunity for us to take a moment to think about our Lenten journeys and how we are trying to follow in Jesus’s footsteps. Reception were full of smiles as they walked with Year 6; there were some lovely shared discussions and it was very clear that Reception look up to Year 6 as their role models in school. Thank you Year 6!

Ranger School: Despite the rain again this week, we managed to get out for some more exciting ranger school activities. This week, we thought about how we can recycle materials to help the local environment and wildlife. We made bird feeders using pine cones and recycled plastic pots and we had lots of fun getting messy in the process! We also looked at how we can recycle plastic water bottles and container to make plant pots which we realised is a great way to re-use instead of buying new plant pots. We planted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds and cress seeds and talked about how we can nurture them until they are ready to plant in the garden. We’re already looking forward to next week’s ranger school!

Let’s Celebrate!

Determined Sadie Spider: Emilia!
Emilia, you have continued to blow us away with your writing this week. We really enjoy seeing your determination as you challenge yourself to write full sentences whilst listening carefully to the sounds. You don’t even let the tricky red words trick you! It’s wonderful to see how all of your hard work, enthusiasm and focus is reflected in your writing. We cant wait to read what stories, speech bubbles and thought bubbles you write next!
Well done Emilia!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Leo P
Leo, you have really impressed us with your enthusiasm for reading and it’s wonderful to see how far you have come on your reading journey. You are certainly becoming a speedy reader and we can see how you grow in confidence each time you realise you can read the words and sentences without any help. Keep up this fantastic enthusiasm Leo, we are very proud of you!
Well done Leo!

Butterfly Award -
Olivia H(ow)
Olivia, during all of our learning this week you have been focused, engaged and have had so many wonderful ideas to share. It’s been wonderful to see how generous you have been with your thoughts and ideas, sharing them with others and helping them to learn too. Thank you for being a generous learner!
Well done Olivia!

Reception’s Sponsored Event

For our sponsored event, Reception have chosen to help the Fylde Rangers look after our local community. To do this, they have decided create a class poster, encouraging people to ‘Keep St Annes Clean’ which will be displayed within the community. We would be very grateful if you could support our chosen charity CAFOD, and sponsor us to be Rangers for St Annes! Thank you.

Easter Lunch

We will be having a special Easter lunch on Wednesday 5th April.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • In your child’s reading packet you will find a writing prompt like the ones we use in class. This can be taken out of your child’s reading packet and is intended for you to keep to support with opportunities for writing at home. On the back of the writing prompt you will see the rhymes that we use for each letter formation. The children are familiar with these prompts and rhymes and I’m sure they will enjoy telling you how we use them in school. We hope you find these useful.
    Thank you for your continued support.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,

The Reception Team