Online homework for over the holidays
TT rockstars for 2x table facts. There will be a test on Monday 31st October where you will need to answer each 2x table sum within 6 seconds. This means you need to know them and not have to work them out!
Practise EVERY DAY on TTrockstars to gather your speed for these times tables facts. I will be checking that you have done this and I will see what your speed is.
After the holidays we will be learning and speeding up the 4x tables so you must not get behind!
Computing - Online Safety
Following our online safety lesson on Tuesday, what have you learned about keeping yourself safe online? Create a safety poster (see the 2do set in Purple Mash) There are lots of prompts on this for you to use, to help you think.
Science/Reading practice
To celebrate our lovely work all about Plants, I have set you some 2dos for this. One you need to find yourself!
On purple mash home screen go to ‘Science’ and find ‘Plants.’ Scroll down and click on ‘Plant Life Cycle slideshow.’ I would like you to read this to an adult to practise your reading fluency. You can discuss if you have found out anything new that I have not taught you yet in school!
From doing this, you will have learned more parts of a flower. You are ready to complete the 2do I set called ‘Flower Labelling game.’
Now you can make a lovely sunflower complete with seeds! See ‘Sunflowers’ 2do.
This week, Mrs Maddocks wants you to have a go at the tunes on Charanga. Please be careful not to bite the actual wooden reeds as they are delicate!