Book and Purple Mash homework
This week, we have learned the 8 x table. Please complete your 8x tables sheet to learn the 8’s. Spot patterns, practise counting in 8’s until you are very confident.
Please re-read Chapter 15 of Charlotte’s Web aloud to an adult. Then work through the comprehension question sheet ‘Practising Different Reading Skills,’ based on chapter 15 using the text to help you answer them.
Also, can you tell your grown up what has happened in the story so far? What are the characters like?
This homework does not need to be brought into school until Monday 28th November so you can do it next weekend if you need to. We are setting up a historical enquiry about the pyramids of Egypt.
I would like you to draw, make or paint a pyramid or pyramids. I would then love you to think of as many questions as you can about pyramids and write them on your question sheet. (if you then want to do some research to find answers you can- but you do not have to) On Monday 28th we will bring in our pyramids and questions and collect them together. We will then find out more about them.
Music - Clarinet.
Practise songs on Charanga.