Our Shakespeare play, the Tempest
This week, your child has come home with their part which they will say on the Grand theatre stage! Some children have chosen not to have a speaking part and this is fine - as we need them to be the Scene Setters and they will still be on stage.
Children - tell your parents all you know about The Tempest storyline. Explain who you are in the play and if you have a line (or a few) please try and learn for next week, by Monday/Tuesday if you could. This would be excellent because we start to practise and put it together then.
We will let you know about costumes next week.
Also, I have put details on the main blog about booking tickets to see your child perform on Thursday 9th March. Tickets are available from the Grand website.
6x tables sheet to complete. We are learning about this in class. I have set TT rockstars for the 6x table now too!
12 Weekly spellings
You have learned how to create the contracted form and where to put the apostrophes eg do not becomes don’t.
Therefore, your words to learn for your test next Wednesday are:
mustn’t I’ve I’m you’ve you’re wasn’t
shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t don’t can’t haven’t
Make sure you also know what these words mean in their full form
Reading homework.
Every week this half term we will have reading homework to practise our reading skills and become confident readers.
This week, with your reading book, choose a page or a couple of paragraphs (about 100 words) to read to an adult aloud.
This week’s skill: Summarise:
This means:
After reading a paragraph, can you explain to your grown-up the main ideas in it - what happened and why?
Maybe you could then predict what will happen next?
Parents I would love you to grade your children again for fluency in the homework books as you did last week but also add a mark out of ten for being able to summarise what they have read…
1. reading each word correctly and accurately
2. reading in an interesting voice
3. reading at a decent pace - not too fast or slow.
4. Ability to summarise.
Edi’s blues on charanga please.