The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” ~ Carl Jung

Creativity has been blossoming throughout the playground, this week. New games, as well as old, have been explored, despite the blustery weather! Friendships have been rekindled after the holidays and the playground has rung out with laughter.

Let’s Celebrate!



First Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 4

Role Model of the Week:  Logan, Year 3 and Sophia, Year 4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Jacob, Year 3 and Rex, Year 4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 6

Role Model of the Week: Connor- Sean, Year 5 and Amber, Year 6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Nicola, Year 5 and Hollie-Rose, Year 6


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 2

Role Model of the Week: Maya, Reception, Scarlet Year 1 and Joseph, Year 2

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Ronnie, Reception, Jack, Year 1 and Ellie_ Rose, Year 2



Well done and thank you so much children for making lunchtimes such a lovely time of the day.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team