Year 2 Weekly Blog 20.1.23 ‘Develop a passion for learning. If you do you will never cease to grow.’

Year 2 have been real Creative Kiki Chameleons during our English sessions this week. We have been writing our own ‘Great Fairy Tale Disaster’ stories by choosing our own fairy tale characters, settings and magic objects that cause the wolf to get in all sorts of trouble. We’ve learnt about how to use adjectives, exclamation marks and time words correctly in our sentences before then using all of these skills to write our stories. The children have worked so hard on their stories, we might even see if we can read some of them to children in Year 1 and Reception.

In maths we’ve continued to work on difference - identifying pairs of numbers that have the same difference. We’ve also looked at how we can describe where number sit on a number line using language like mid -point, middle, before, after and between.

During indoor PE, we thought about how the sea moved and how we replicate these movements with our bodies. We had some fantastic rolling and crashing waves.

The children enjoyed hearing the story of Jairus’ daughter in RE, then put put the story in order and retold in their own words.

Our ICT lesson saw us producing some fantastic binary trees to sort living things, I was really impressed with the questions the children came up with. This has also linked in with our Science work on ‘Living things and their habitats’ - in this weeks lesson we thought about how we knew a living thing was alive and talked about the 7 characteristics all living things have. Ask your children about MRS GREN!

Let’s Celebrate

Liam - You have worked so hard this week Liam. You have tried really hard to push yourself in all aspects of your learning particularly writing. It has been wonderful to see you putting your hand up lots sharing so many wonderful ideas with the class.  Keep this up!

Anna - Anna has been amazing learning partner this week. It has been a pleasure to watch her be so encouraging with her peers, Anna is such a good friend and a valued member of our class. Thank you Anna!


Please check the children’s home learning books and home learning section for this week’s homework.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham and the Year 2 team