Year 3 weekly blog 18.1.23 - "Be the reason someone smiles today."

It’s been another great week in class with lots of fantastic learning! On Monday many of the children couldn’t wait to share how they have been practicing their 8 times tables, we must say, you have been very creative in finding fun and effective ways to help remember these number facts!

This week in RE we have been focusing on understanding the Hail Mary. We have had a great discussion about the meaning of this prayer, and how we are able to say this prayer whenever we find ourselves wanting help from our Mother Mary. We have been very enthusiastic to create our own acts of prayer and liturgy in small groups. Each group needed to decide on what theme their worship would be about, what piece of scripture they could read to highlight their theme and a reflection for their friends to take part in. They will invite the rest of their class friends into their worships over the coming weeks. We are sure these will be such special moments to look forward to each week.

In our English learning we have discovered our ‘reading brains’. This is a reading strategy that allows us to make connections in what we have read, and remember the key points and the order of the story. We created a big spider diagram to share what has happened in chapter 1 of our book, ‘Ice Cat’. We discussed how it is always important when reading to create our own reading brain, to help us remember and fully understand what we are reading. We have also moved on to chapter 2, which we read on Tuesday. This Chapter taught us a lot about the main character Tom and his Dad, who we read is very poorly. Together, we thought carefully about how Tom was feeling from what the author tells us, we used the text for our evidence. We cannot wait to read the next chapter next week!

Mrs Hotchkiss swooped in on Thursday and Friday and the children are really rocking those 8 timestable facts. They have also explored 10 different artic animals researching them ready to write a non chronological report on them next week!! In dance, we completed phrase one of our Stone Age performance - hunting down two woolly mammoths! In Music we learnt a new upbeat song - we now need to perfect our recorder playing to go with it!


Jiana you have been  a super focused Kuba Crab - both Miss Bassett and Mrs Hotchkiss could see how hard you have worked. It is great to see you thinking deeply and expressing your ideas on your wipeboard for the teachers to see. Keep up the good work!

Daisy- what enthusiasm! You brim with a love of learning, you’re quick to make links and find the solution to a problem. You have really controlled your desire to shout out - you have been just brilliant ! Well done for using your super neat handwriting too - all the time!


Lip Balms and creams for chapped skin are considered medical in school and need to be in the care of the class teacher. Please ask your child to hand the item to the teacher and the teacher will allow them to administer. It is very important that children do not share these items - thank you for your help in this matter.

Homework Must be handed in by/on Thursday ready to go back out on Friday.

PE remains Monday and Friday. It is cold at the moment so a beanie/bobble hat for PE Monday would be great.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Barker, Mrs Carter and Mrs Connelly.