Last Saturday was the most glorious day! Half the class made their First Holy Communion and it was such a beautiful time! They were so reverent and it was clear how much it meant to them. They also were able to receive the host when we went to mass on Thursday for the Ascension. This again was beautiful and Year 4 joined in so well with the mass response and songs.
We look forward to this Saturday for our second group of children who are ready and waiting to make their Holy Communion.
It has been a reflective week in Year 4. We started our week with a class council session where the children talked about how happy their playtimes were and how they could help improve them. We talked about standing up for injustice if we see it happening and making sure we stop and think before saying or doing something that might affect the happiness of others. This has seen lovely results at breaktimes this week. The children are developing as a big class team who support each other and want things to be fair for everyone!
This week we have deepened our fractions knowledge and we have started our new Science topic all about Sound. So many interesting questions have already been raised.
The Grand Theatre have selected footage from all your amazing Julius Caesar video clips sent in. This is their celebration of Julius Caesar below!
Seven children also went to the Grand Theatre last night to perform extracts from Julius Caesar. As the incoming theatre goers arrived, they were met in the foyer by the children giving them a taster of what was to come in the RSC show. They were so well-behaved and so dramatic too! Jo Cleasby, the Grand manager could not believe how instantly you could switch your dramatic selves on! Well done Rex, Dominic, Isaac, Arthur, Elsie, Rose and Esther! We were very proud of you! Video footage will be added this weekend!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Arthur and Rafe have received double whammy certificates for creativity and focus. You have both shown a high level of concentration so that you can get down all your original and creative ideas and achieve your best.
Layla has received a double whammy certificate too! You are brave and reflective learner who strives to improve at all times and you had the courage to express yourself this week. Well done!
PE stars for super dancing this week Ben and Arthur for super partner work in dance.
French stars this week go to Niamh and Luke for excellent work
Attentive and Discerning butterflies
This week we thank the following children for noticing when somebody needs help and caring for classmates: Elsie and Faye
Holy Communion - second group on Saturday 20th May. Children will need to be at the church for 9:20 at the latest and will sit at the front. Photos are not allowed during the service. Afterwards, children are permitted to have photos on the altar and in the church garden. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all in church.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessey