Year 5 Homework- Due December 7th


The focus for this week has been double letter words. The first 5 are words we have learned this week and the rest are other double letter words- some of which we have covered already this year.

  1. embarrass

  2. excellent

  3. exaggerate

  4. especially

  5. interrupt

  6. accommodate

  7. appreciate

  8. aggressive

  9. address

  10. access

Christmas Concert Practice

The next 3 songs of our Christmas concert have been practiced this week. Next week, we will begin practicing at church so it is vital that children are learning the lyrics at home so they are prepared.

The Great Our Lady Bake Off & Christmas Jumpers- Friday 8th December

We are one week away from the Our Lady Christmas Bake Off. Both children and staff will be entering separate competitions and everyone will take part in judging all of our entries. This is all in aid to raise money for Brian House- to give children less fortunate than ourselves a wonderful Christmas.

£3 - Bake Off Entry Fee

£1 - Cake Sale

£1 - Christmas Jumper

9:00 - 9:30am - Judging! 

This will take place in the classroom for individual bakes and in the hall for the family bakes. The bakes will be judged on 2 things: flavour and festive appearance. Teaching team are judging the taste and the children are judging the appearance -one winner per class. For those children who are doing a family bake, these will come into the hall and Mrs Gregan and Mrs Nel will judge these. Make it special. Have a gingham altar at the front of your class and make it a real event. 

Breaktimes - Cake Sale

We will then separate the bakes and have some for the class bake sale and keep some for the parents in the afternoon. The children will be bringing in £1 for the cake sale. See how much is brought in and then decide how much the children can buy. 

2pm - 3pm: Parents Carols and Cakes