Year 3 weekly blog 10.2.23 - "Think before you click and always share your worries with a trusted adult!"

We have reached the half term holidays, and to say it has flown is an understatement.

We celebrated Online Safety day on Tuesday, and we discovered so many wonderful aspects to the internet, whilst also sharing our worries and concerns. It was great for the children to have time to discuss what they enjoy the most and what they feel less happy about when interacting in the online world. By the end of our day the children had all identified 5 key people that they will talk to should they need to share any concerns.

We also finished our class novel, ‘Ice Cat’ and loved the happy ending. We reflected on Tom and his emotions, and how his emotions effected what he made in the snow. We thought about our emotions and how they effect us, sometimes without even realising. We then let our creativity flow, and using playdough we were guided by our emotions to create our own works of art. Following this we reflected back on the book, what had we enjoyed the most about the Ice Cat? We shared many ideas, but it was the descriptive language that really stood out to us. This then inspired us with our writing! We watched a short clip of a very famous film, the moment when the character entered a snowy land. Our enthusiastic bunch then set off to write the section of the story using their wonderful ideas and vocabulary. The children cannot wait to share these with you, next half term when we are our book share afternoon.

Our junior apprentices have been super focused in Science. Ensuring they stayed determined and resilient to complete their first apprentice challenge. They investigated in small groups to find a way of creating a simple circuit using two wires, a bulb, bulb holder and a battery. Our conclusion was that we circuit must be complete and that the metal allowed the electricity to flow through.

Today we have completed a series of music lessons in which we have: learnt a song, composed our own lyrics; learned parts and then added a simple instrumental!!! We have filmed it to share with you!!! We hope you enjoy it (see below). We have also completed our dance lessons “The Stone Age “ - this week we put the final part together - farming communities. In history we explored the age of Iron this was a violent time in history, with Warrior kings, hill forts and dangerous weapons. See if your child can explain why there are over 1000 stone circles in the UK! Why not set out to visit one this half term - we now know they are thought to be Stone Age temples!

Today we have said a teary goodbye to our lovely, kind and smiley friend Naomi. We will miss you and your family so very much you are an absolutely wonderful member of our family! But, we know that you are going to spread your wings and start your new exciting adventure! We would love for you to keep in touch to share with us how you are getting on, I know your friends at Our Lady’s would love this! Drop us an email and we can share it in class, and of course reply back to you with what we are getting up to here! With the internet and emails we are able to keep in touch with you so easily… this is definitely a wonderful factor about being online.


Today is a sad day for us Naomi as you leave for new adventures in Manchester! You have been a joy to teach, listening with care and being brave as you faced new challenges. Remember you have all the qualities of a great learning and here you will always have friends!! All our Love!!

Well done Lily! You have been  super focused this week. Both Miss Bassett and I have spotted you beavering away at every learning task. Thank you for listening so carefully and for enthusiastically answering questions. Keep grasping those challenges too – what is 6X8?


IMPORTANT JOB LENTEN BOXES - please read the homelearning page!

Monday 27th February Parent coffee morning and book look- 9:00-10:00am- we would love to share our work with you so please come along!

World book day: On Thursday 2nd March we will be celebrating World Book Day. This is a day we ask the children to come into school dressed as one of their favourite characters from a book.

Book fair: We have the school book fair arriving during the first week back. All classes will be given a slot to have a look at a selection of books and then after school there will be opportunity to make any purchases.

PE after half term: Pe days will continue to be taught by Mrs Hotchkiss and these days will remain on a Monday and Thursday.