Year 3 Trip to the theatre

Dear parents,

Year 4 will be performing in the Shakespeare Festival at the Grand on Thursday March 9th. They will be doing so alongside several other schools.

We are members of the Royal Shakespeare Association HUB - here affiliated to The Grand Theatre in Blackpool. Every year a class takes a play (or two) and explores the themes and characters in detail. We have been part of the Hub now for over 6 years.

We would like to take Year 3 to watch the Festival at the Grand Theatre- watching our Year 4 pupils. We are hopeful that this will be a new and exciting experience and one that they will participate in too as they travel through school.

To make the trip affordable Mrs Marshall and Mrs Gregan and a team of staff will be taking the class on the number 11 bus. The total price for ticket and transport is £10. We will have an early lunch in school and then walk to the bus stop which takes us all the way to Market Street. The performance is about 1 hour- after which we will return to school on the number 11 again. We should be back in school in good time - ready for normal pick up.

The children will need to come to school in their normal Thursday uniform.

As this is a trip involving transport we need your permission. Please complete the form below. We have also placed a link to parent pay for your convenience. Thank you!