Year 3 weekly blog 24.2.23 - "LENT: Prayer, Fasting, Penance, Sacrifice, Reconciliation, Almsgiving."

It was lovely to welcome the children back after their half term break, it certainly sounded as though lots of fantastic memories were created! We have jumped back into our electricity learning, and have been exploring more about how to make circuits using a power source and a range of components. It has been great to see the teamwork and perseverance as they have worked with determination to get each circuit to work.

We have also been putting our drama skills to the test as we have deepened our understanding of the difference between an accident and doing things deliberately. We learnt that doing things deliberately to hurt another person, doing things which God do not want us to do, is called a sin. The children worked in small groups to create a piece of drama which included either an accident or a sin, and the audience had to decide on which the group had demonstrated.

In maths this week we have been busy using our knowledge of multiples of 10 to reason and solve word problems. Again, we have been so impressed with the children confidence in explaining their reasoning! Mrs Hotchkiss has been in and out, quizzing us on our timetables, she is very impressed children, keep practising and spending time on TT Rockstars to keep this confidence growing.

On Wednesday we celebrated mass in school with Father Peter. We sang together and listened to a lovely piece of scripture read by our Head Girl. Following this we all received the ashes, each child doing so with great love and respect. As we now journey through lent together we aim to grow closer to Jesus through acts of kindness. I wonder what you have decided to do as a family this lent?

On Thursday I (Mrs Marshall) returned to school. What a wonderful first two days we have had already! I feel very fortunate that I get to teach your wonderful children again. We wasted no time in growing our brains and travelled back in time to 43AD as advisors to Emperor Claudius. The children weighed up whether it was a good or a bad idea to invade Britain and extend the Roman Empire. We will be finding out what Claudius decided to do next week…


As we journey through Lent we are raising money for CAFOD in school. This has started with the Lentern boxes which you so wonderfully created and swapped on Friday with nursery.

We have also decided as a class to walk to Ashton Gardens to raise money for CAFOD. The children are very excited at the prospect of doing some litter picking whilst we are there. This will be a lovely way to give generously to our community. More details to follow on when this will take place.

ART CLUB starts on Tuesday morning for the following children. Please be in school for 8am.

John Paul, Lily, Gus, Matilda, Bethany, Jacob, Daisy, Rory, Jiana, Hugo, Tilly, Teddy, Ciaran, Sean, William, Rose and Grace.


For being a determined learner. William, you have been so brave with your learning this week. You have challenged your  brain in maths and have not been afraid to have a go. We know you can be just as resilient with your reading too! Well done William!

For being a focused and thoughtful learning partner. Finley, this week you have been a considerate learner and have gone above and beyond to help others learn. You were especially kind in Science, when you helped your learning partner with the experiment. Well done Finley!


  • Please check Mrs Gregan’s blog this week as there are changes to the end of day routine - a little tweek!

  • This Monday we have our BOOK LOOK. The children have already selected the pieces of work that they cannot wait to share with you. Remember that this is a half an hour session starting at 9:00-9:30

  • Book Fair: The book fair will open for its final time on Monday morning before school, for anyone who hasn’t had chance yet.

  • World Book day: Please don’t forget that on Thursday, next week, we are celebrating World Book Day. Please come to school dressed as one of your favourite characters from a book.

  • As always if you need to speak to a teacher, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Miss Bassett is the class teacher Monday-Wednesday and myself (Mrs Marshall), Thursday-Friday.