Year 3 Blog 10.3.23 - "We know what we are, but not what we mar be." - William Shakespeare

It has been wonderful to start our new reading topic in English. One of our main focuses this week has been to make predictions. We have been finding evidence to support our predictions by looking purely at the illustrations. We started by looking at an image from the story, ‘The Weed’ by Quentin Blake. Lots of the children made the instant link to Roald Dahl, and used this to inform their predictions! We have also introduced some specific ‘Book Talk’ vocabulary, which has greatly improved our discussions and how we can build on each others’ points and ideas.

Here are some photographs of us taking part in book talk:

In maths we have been learning how to bridge over the 100s boundary, by making multiples of 10 that add to 100. After lots of practice getting used to our new strategy, we found that a few of the children had found other, effective ways to find the solution. There was great excitement at this and the children then explored which of these methods worked best for them. Please see our maths homework this week for your child to show you these strategies.

We have also had a week of great reflection. Our learning in RE has been about forgiveness and how God never gives up on us. We acted out the story, ‘The Lost Sheep’ and discussed how this story teaches us that, just like the Shepherd who loved EVERYONE of his sheep, God loves each one of us too. We then visited the chapel to shares our prayers together with God…

In Maths we have also learned about fraction notation and have used our knowledge of parts and wholes to do so. I have no doubt your child will be wanting to show you this new skill. For guidance, the children have written fractions following these steps…

On Thursday the children went on a trip to The Grand Theatre, to watch the AMAZING Year 4 children perform a scene from The Tempest. I couldn’t have been prouder of the children; they were perfect role models for Our Lady’s and showed great enthusiasm for their school friends performance as well as other schools.

To launch their exciting home work challenge, the children got to hold real volcanic rock from Mount Vesuvius. The children have had a ‘mini lesson’ on the devastating events that took place in Pompeii 79 AD and will be learning more about it for homework.


Josh, your focus this week has been exceptional. You have shown what a determined learner you can be by tracking the teacher during lessons and managing your distractions too. It’s been wonderful to see you getting all of your brilliant ideas down in your book and putting your hand up to share your thinking too! Well done Josh, we’re so proud of you!

Sean, you have shown huge gratitude to your class friends this week with your wonderful behaviour for learning. You always follow instructions so calmly and listen to others ideas with compassion. Thank you for making our classroom such a co-operative place to learn together!


  • Next week we start Parents meetings (Wednesday 15th March). If you are yet to book an appointment, please do so.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett & Mrs Marshall