Year 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 23rd March


Our spelling focus this week has been words ending in -tious. The first 7 spellings are words we have learned this week and the other 5 are tricky words that we have previously done this year.

  1. cautious

  2. infectious

  3. ambitious

  4. superstitious

  5. nutritious

  6. scrumptious

  7. fictitious

  8. glisten

  9. hustle

  10. stationery

  11. farther

  12. curiosity

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. friends

    2. going

    3. everyone

    4. laugh

    5. lived

    6. jumped


A weekly SPAG sheet which has already been stuck in the children’s books.


Will be on IXL. The children have finished angles with Mrs Hotchkiss and have moved onto their new topic of negative numbers. Children are to complete these angle tasks as a part of their retrieval.

  • V6- Measure angles with a protractor

  • V7- Draw angles with protractor.


Reminder for children to finish their solar system fact fans. Details about this are on last weeks blog. Please take a picture of your child with their completed fact fans and then email this picture to me or print it out and bring it into school. This picture can then be put into their science books as evidence.


To keep practising our song ‘Lean on Me’ on your clarinets which is available on Charanga.