Year 2 weekly Blog 24th March 2023

Year 2 weekly Blog 24th March 2023 - Spring adds new life and beauty to all that is.

What a busy week we’ve had in Year 2!

Preparation is in full swing for our Palm Sunday Worship, the children have been working really hard practising their lines and the songs. They really are amazing.
We hope you can join our worship on Friday 31st March at 9am.

The children have worked so hard in maths this week, we’ve built on our knowledge of number bonds, revisiting bridging to 10 then extending our learning with bridging across greater multiples of 10. We’ve also continued our work on sharing into equal groups. It been a challenging week but the children have impressed me with their resilience and determination.

Our music lessons have immersed us in reggae music across the decades - this week the children have enjoyed singing our Zootime song and improvising musical accompaniments on the glockenspiels.

Lenten Mass - On Thursday morning, we visited church with Year 1 and Year 5, for Lenten Mass. It feel like a long time since we visited church as a class, but not too long since we’ve seen Father Peter as he was in school on Ash Wednesday. The rain cleared up for our walk to church, but we got soaked on the way back to school.

As a class we voted to have an arts and crafts day at school, this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our art work at our Art Exhibition in school, the following week - children will designing invitations next week, look out for yours! The children are very excited. If you would like to suggest a local care home or residential home to receive an Easter card from our class please email me -

On the 19th April, as part of our local history topic, we will be visiting the Lifeboat station in St Annes. Over the last couple of week the children have been gathering information about the RNLI ready to write their non chronological reports.

EGG DECORATING COMPETITON - Wednesday 5th April. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.

Jackie, and her bunnies, will be preparing a lovely Easter Lunch for the whole school community to enjoy on Wednesday 5th April. If your child usually has a school dinner on a Wednesday, they will automatically receive the Easter Lunch.

If your child does not have a dinner and would like one, please ensure you order a lunch by clicking the link on the Easter Lunch page here. Each dinner is £2.40. Mrs Hodges will update Parent Pay once the orders are in.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You have been such a focused Cooper Crab this week Lena! You have been ready to learn in every lesson and have managed any distractions around you brilliantly.This has shown greatly in your understanding and in the work you have produced.  It has been wonderful to see you putting your hand up and answering questions so enthusiastically, and your proud smile has lit up the room after doing so. Keep it up Lena! 


What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Louisa! Your politeness and lovely manners certainly don’t go unnoticed and it is lovely to see you spread so much joy in our class.  You work so wonderfully with your learning partner and are always there to lend a quiet helping hand without disturbing the rest of the class. Well done Louisa!

This week’s Star Readers are Isaac, Rodnie and Rosa.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Palm Sunday Worship - Friday 31st March
Easter Egg Competition - Wednesday 5th April
Easter Lunch - Wednesday 5th April
Last day of spring term - Thursday 6th April 2pm close
Lifeboat Station Visit - Wednesday 19th April

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher