Year 3 Weekly Blog 6.4.23 - "I am He that liveth, and was dead and, behold, I am alive for evermore.2 - Revelation 1:18

We have reached our Easter holiday, and what a special week it has been. As a school community we have gathered together each morning, to share with one another a part of Jesus’ Easter journey. We were all SO proud of each and every member of our class on Monday as they shared with us all the Last Supper. A huge well done children, you did so with such reverence and care, you overcame those nerves and worked together beautifully. To our chanters, thank you. To our dancers, thank you. To our disciples, thank you. And to Ciaran who took who showed us Jesus, thank you. You all did so with the greatest of faith and love.

We have continued our learning of the Green Children this week and have focused on the features of a diary. This is something you could practice our the half term… if you have your own diary, remember how to correctly start each diary entry going forward, only speak in the first person and remember to keep your tenses in the past. We have also finished our electricity topic in science, creating informative posters to keep others safe around electricity. We are hoping to put a few of these up around school.

Well done to all of the children who took part in the Egg decorating competition, to raise money for CAFOD. The entries were so creative! The generous fundraising this half term has been wonderful. Thank you so much for all of your support.


This week we have two DETERMINED and FOCUSED learners…

Finley: What can we say Finley?! You are an absolute delight! Each and every day you show such wonderful determination towards your learning! You always want to do your very best and you love to help others along your way. We could not ask more of you Finley. A huge well done!

Ciaran: The greatest well done for your performance during our Easter assembly Ciaran. During our rehearsals you took direction willingly, and your memory was outstanding! You remembered each and every down to a tea… much better than I could ever have done! You spoke so beautifully, so full of respect and love for Jesus. A huge thank you for portraying Jesus in such a gentle and understanding way.


TRIP TO RIBCHESTER ROMAN MUSEUM: Payment is now on Parent Pay. The price is £17.50. We will be getting the coach to Ribchester on the morning Friday 28th April. We will have an interactive tour of the museum, followed by a picnic lunch (hopefully in the sunshine)! We’ll return back to school in time for a normal pick up.

MISSING UNIFORM: Please can you keep your eyes out for any uniform that belongs to another child in the class. Thank you!

We hope you have a wonderful Easter and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on the 17th April.

God bless,

Miss Bassett & Mrs Marshall