Year 2 Weekly Blog 21st April 2023 - keep your face to the sun and you will never see shadows

Year 2 Weekly Blog 21st April 2023 - keep your face to the sun and you will never see shadows

We have had a fantastic start to the summer term - a busy week full of laughter, smiles and memory making.

In maths Mrs Hotchkiss has continued working on multiplications, the children have looked at how to write expressions with the multiplication sign, tricky stuff but as always she wa blown away by the chidren’s knowledge and enthusiasm.
We have continued our 2 digit addition and subtraction, this week extending our learning by adding and subtracting multiples of 10.

In English, the children were so excited to hear that our new topic will be Aladdin.
We started the topic looking at the market scene, picking out nouns then making the nouns into noun phrases by adding adjectives. Next week we will be using these fantastic phrases to write a description of the marketplace.
I hope to show the children some clips from the 2019 Disney film, it has a guidance rating of PG. Please contact me, if you do not given permission for your child to view clips from this film.

St Annes Lifeboat trip.

The children's had a fantastic time at the lifeboat station on Wednesday, I was so impressed with the children’s knowledge and the questions they asked. The children were split into 2 groups for our visit, with one group learning about safety and dangers they may come across whilst visiting the beach, whilst the second group learnt St Annes lifeboat and more specifically their role in the Mexico Disaster. We then swapped.
Before returning to school, made the short walk along the promenade to see the St Annes Lifeboat Disaster Memorial.

Steve, from the Life Education Bus, visited our class on Thursday. The children loved meeting Harold the giraffe, I’m sure they have come home and told you al about him! The focus of the session was ‘feelings’, it was fun and informative and asked the children to problem solve when one of Harold friends was feeling upset. Please check your child’s bag for an information leaflet sent home this evening .

In PE we’ve practiced our underarm throws, trying our best to control and hit targets. We’ve also looked at running games from past decades. We’ve played stuck in the mud and a human version of pacman!

The children have continued working on their sewing skills with Mrs Neves in art and DT.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You have had an amazing week! You have been focused and ready every lesson and it make a real difference to your learning. You are asking questions that are deepening your understanding. Keep it up Martha!



George, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week! You have been asking some great questions to take your learning even deeper. You really impressed the adults on our trip to the Lifeboat station with your knowledge and questioning. Well done George!

This week’s Star Readers are Louie, Nathan, Scarlett, Lettie, Emilia and Alice.

Some of the children in our class featured in the Blackpool Gazette this week. Well done George, Myles, Hugo, Fletcher and the St Annes Purples, it was lovely to see the photos and write up of your football match.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher