Year 3 blog 28.4.23 - "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney

Well, we certainly have a class of budding actors and actresses in Year 3! In English this week, we furthered our understanding of the characters in The Greenling, by creating our own pieces of drama. In partners the children worked together so beautifully, choosing who would be which part, and creating a piece of dialogue between the two main characters. Together, we have then moved onto the story that we will now learn, through our story map and actions… this will then be our support in writing our own stories which we will be completing next week. In maths we have been super busy getting to know 3 digit numbers up to 1000. We have been representing these numbers in lots of different ways and are now VERY confident when explaining the value of each digit.

We have begun our new Science topic, FORCES, this week discovering that to make something move we need to have the two forces, PUSH and PULL present. There was great excitement when exploring this using playdoh, the children worked in pairs and were only able to use either push or pull to create a particular shape. In computing we have also moved onto our new focus, emails. We discussed the different ways we can communicate with others, and the advantages and disadvantages of these. Following our discussion the children worked in pairs to create a mind map to share this information with others. Please see the gallery below to see how we got on.

The children wowed us on Thursday; they wrote non-unit fractions for the first time with confidence and ease! I’ve no doubt they would love to show this to you at home. Perhaps you can challenge then to show you four-fifths or three-quarters as a representation and written as a fraction?

On Friday, we had a fantastic day out at Ribchester Roman Museum. The children got the opportunity to look at real Roman artefacts and see the remains of a Roman fort too! They asked such inquisitive questions and showed what brilliant historians they are growing to be. They were such role models for the school and we could not have been prouder of them. A huge thank you to Mrs Cassidy, who kindly gave up her time to accompany us on our trip.


Tommy, you have been such a resilient learner this week. We couldn’t be prouder of how you rose to the challenge of writing non-unit fractions. You found it tricky but you didn’t give in! Not only did you grow your brain but you also helped others to understand by teaching them too. Well done Tommy! 

Joseph, you have been buzzing with enthusiasm for your learning this week. You have given yourself the time to have a go and have loved learning new things. You were so interested when learning about the Roman remains and asked some brilliant questions too! Well done Joseph, we are so proud of you!


  • This Monday (1st May) and the following Monday (8th) are bank holidays and therefore school is closed.

  • On Friday 5th May we have our Coronation picnic. Children can come to school wearing their own clothes… fit for a king! We have our fingers crossed for some lovely sunshine so that we are able to have our picnic outside as a whole school!

Have a wonderful long weekend,

Miss Bassett & Mrs Marshall