Year 3 blog 12.5.23 - "Little by little one walks far” – Peruvian Proverb

The end of another week and my have we worked hard! The children have blown our socks off with their independent writing this week, creating such wonderful stories based on our work of the Green Children and the Greenling. Throughout this unit we had been developing our writing skills to be able to use varied sentence openers, how to punctuate around speech, using exciting vocabulary and also the follow a story structure. It has been such a delight to see these skills being used effectivley in their writing. The children were, very rightly, feeling super proud of their effort and written work!

We have also managed to ease a couple of misconceptions that we had on Tuesday in maths, and we are now very confident find the previous 10 and 100 of a number. We have focused on using numberlines and being able to place 3 digit numbers correctly, and we are now ready to move onto placing 3 digit numbers onto blank numberlines. Well done everybody, we have most definitely been a class of concentrating Cooper-crabs this week.

We have had some lovely discussions during RE, as we have shared the story of when Jesus appeared to two of His disciples in Emmaus. After reading and then acting the story out, (we do love a bit of drama in Year 3) the children worked in pairs to create questions that the two disciples might have asked Jesus. We then swapped our questions with a different group and wrote what we felt Jesus might have said in response to each question.

In Geography, the children have been researching Italian cities. They then presented what they had learned to the rest of the class. We had a little competition of who could be the most convincing and it’s safe to say we all want to go to Italy now! We were so impressed with how co-operatively the children conducted their research and their enthusiasm with presenting too!

In French we have been learning about the items in our pencil case. We learned that nouns are masculine and feminine and had lots of fun singing about what was in our school bag.


Seth, you have been such a resilient learner this week. Your brain was challenged by non-unit fractions but you didn’t give up. We are so proud of you for how determined you were. Your hard work paid off when you had that ‘lightbulb moment’. Well done Seth we knew you could do it!

Logan, you have been a true Bobby Bee this week. You put so much enthusiasm and effort into your presentation in Geography. You worked co-operatively with your class mates and shared what you had learned knowledgably and with a confident smile. We can’t wait to see the brilliant work you do next week. Well done Logan!


  • Next Thursday we are walking to church to celebrate mass for the Solemnity of the Ascension of Jesus. Please make sure weather appropriate clothing is brought with you on this day. The weather has been very up and down recently.

  • PE will be Monday and Friday next week (not Thursday).

  • Please ensure children bring a water bottle to school everyday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Bassett and Mrs Marshall