Year 3 weekly blog - "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

The classroom was filled with excitement on Monday as we began our new story focus, The Iron Man. We have spent the week immersed in drama, working in groups to share the poem, ‘The Coming of the Iron Man’. The children discovered how the use of canons and speaking/ acting in unison, could add drama and excitement to their poetry performance. The children worked with fantastic co-operation and demonstrated how beautifully they can work as a team.

Throughout the week in RE we have been becoming familiar with the story of when the two disciples saw Jesus on their way to Emmaus. On Wednesday they put all of their discussion and drama work to good work as they set off to write what the two disciples went and said back to the rest of Jesus’ followers. The children as always greatly impress me with their enthusiasm and excitement to share their knowledge and to create a great piece of writing. Well done children!

In Science we have continued with our learning about forces, focusing our learning on friction. We discovered that when things move, friction is always present. We investigated this by carrying out a fair test. We explored how the surface of the ground which a car travels along, effects how far the car will travel. Our findings were that the more friction resulted in the care travelling slower and not as far, compared to when there was less friction, as the car would travel further.

On Thursday we walked to church to celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. The children sat beautifully in church and sang their hearts out! It was so lovely to worship together as a whole school. In Maths we have been doing repeated addition with unit-fractions. The children are growing in confidence with this and have been set some maths challenges for homework to help them.


Hugo - For being a resilient mathematician. Hugo, we have been so impressed with your determination this week. You have found our Maths a little tricky but that has not deterred you from trying your best. You didn’t give up and instead put extra effort into growing your brain. It’s certainty paid off and we are so proud of you. Well done Hugo!

Lorenzo - For being an enthusiastic learner. Lorenzo you have been pushing yourself inside and outside of school, to grow your brain. We’ve noticed that you are putting extra effort into your classroom learning and your homework has been exceptional too. You have loved sharing your ideas in class and have taught us so much about Italian culture too. Well done Lorenzo, we are so proud of you!


  • As we are now being blessed by the sunshine we kindly ask that children have a sunhat in school, sun cream is to be applied by the child themselves, we also ask that no sunglasses are brought into school. Thank you.

  • A gentle reminder about break time snacks. These should be a healthy snack, that does not contain nuts e.g. a piece of fruit or vegetable.

God Bless and have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett and Mrs Marshall