Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 16th June 2023 - Shine like the sun!

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 16th June - Shine like the sun!

Welcome back! I hope you’ve all had a lovely half term, it was great to see the children come back into school refreshed and ready to learn. The last half term is always busy…we’ve already got the Gym Jam Jog, Sports Day, a library visit and a trip to the zoo booked in. You’ll find all the dates you need for your diaries at the bottom of this page.

The start of a new half term has meant the start of new topics in science and geography.
In science we will be learning about materials, their properties and their uses. We started the topic thinking about what we already know and what we’d like to learn. The children had some interesting questions including: How are bricks made? What makes paper strong? How do you make concrete? How are materials turned into objects?

Our attempts to grow beans has been a partial success! When we returned to school on Monday some of the beans had grown over the half term holiday, we’ve continued to water and care for them and hopefully we’ll see some more beanstalks appear.
The children were excited to tell me about the sunflowers they have been caring for over half term - please send any photos you have to

Our new topic in Geography is ‘Around The World’, this week we were introduced to Bobby the Bee, who lives in the UK. Bobby explained that he would like to visit a country in each continent over the next 6 weeks. This week the continent was Europe and the county we focused on was France. We heard about lots of famous french landmarks and types of food that are popular in France. I wonder where Bobby Bee will take us next week?

In music, we learned to play glockenspiels to ‘The Friendship Song’. Check out our video!

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In Maths we’ve continued working on our 5 and 10 times tables and we’ve managed to find a 5 times table song to the tune of one of our favorite songs! The children have really impressed me with the times table knowledge - I wonder if you can challenge them at home with the 2s, 5s and 10 times tables.

We’ve nearly reached the end of our Aladdin topic in English - this week we have looked at The Cave of Wonder. We identified items that Aladdin and Abu came across in the cave and wrote noun phrases. On Thursday we used these noun phrases to independently write a description of the cave. Next week we’ll be joining Aladdin and Jasmine on their magic carpet ride, thinking about what they can see and hear on their magical journey.

On Monday we had a relaxing indoor PE lesson, we made use of our lovely big classroom and took part in a yoga session.

On Wednesday morning, we practised our kicking skills on the school field. We set up a number of stations and the children worked in small groups focusing on kicking and stopping a ball with control, Kicking the ball with accuracy between 2 markers and kicking the ball in a straight line.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Lena, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week! You have been asking some great questions in lessons to clarify your understanding and extend your learning. You are growing in confidence every week, well done!


Heath you have come back to school focused and ready to learn. You have been making sensible choices and managing any distractions around you. I’m really looking forward to a successful and productive last half term with you in Year 2.

This week’s Star Readers are Nathan, Joseph and Martha.

Butterfly - Alana
for being intentional.


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - Tuesday 20th June 1.30pm - PE kits to be worn please.
Gym Jam Jog! - Wednesday 21st June 8am
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 23rd June (1st Group)
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 30th June (2nd Group)
Library visit - Wednesday 5th July
Zoo trip - Thursday 13th July (more info to follow)

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher