Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th July - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seus

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th July - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seus

Another busy week, not only in Year 2 but across the whole school!

Today the children met their new Year 3 teachers…. I am thrilled to tell you that next year I will continue to teach your children alongside Mrs Marshall, supported by Mrs Connelly. We have been such an amazing learning journey together in year 2, as we move into year 3 together I am sure we will continue learn and achieve amazing things. I will be returning to school in September as Mrs Naylor following my wedding over the summer holidays.

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 2 had their final visit of the school year to St Annes Library. Once again the children were exceptionally well behaved and the visit was a great success with every child leaving with a new book to enjoy. The feedback from the children and the library service has been amazing, more children are excited about reading and visits to the library are on the increase. It’s such a lovely building and learning space, if you haven’t visited recently I’d really recommend you do.

The children have continued to impress me with this week with their knowledge of their times tables! Our timetables skills have come in handy this week when we’ve been learning about division. We have also designed our own array cities. We may have a few teachers in the making - the confidence the children have as they come up and demonstrate or explain to their friends is lovely to see.

Finally……Sports Day happened and what a fantastic afternoon it was, thank you to family and friends who came down, supported and cheered on the children. The children we thrilled to see everyone as they came out onto the field, one child even commented that it was ‘like we were famous’ as they walked out to cheers. The children have worked hard practising the events and I am so pleased the sun shone and the afternoon went ahead. We took so many photos! Here’s a few…

Zoo Trip - Monday 17th July
We will be visiting Blackpool Zoo on Monday 17th July, thank you for all the offers of help, we are so lucky to have such a supportive set of parents. Payments for the trip will be live on Parent pay next week, as soon as it is on I will send out a text.

Eco Day - Friday 14th July
Next Friday the children are invited to wear green to school in exchange for £1. Money raised will be used by the Eco Committee to buy new eco bins around the school.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Ava, you have worked so hard this week! You have shown me that you are thinking about what you need to do to be ready for Year 3. You are making smart choices and wise decisions, even though you’re excited. I am very impressed. Keep this up and you’ll blow the year 3 teacher’s socks off!


Ellie –Rose it has been lovely to see you working co-operatively with your learning partner this week. I have noticed you being helpful and considerate, finding ways to support your partner whilst always making sure you are completing your work too.

Your friends are lucky to have you as a friend.

This week’s Star Readers are Ava, Ellie-Rose and Myles.

Virtues Butterfly - Fletcher


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - please note this has changed
Eco Day Friday 14th July - non uniform (wear green)

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher